Page 648 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 648

             14, (ii) Landing of Cargo.        There were a number of complaints
             made by merchants against the landing arrangements at Sitra (the
             oil port) and at Manama (the Bahrain general port) which are
             practically speaking a monopoly of Messrs. Gray Mackenzie and Co.
        r.ded Ltd.   A meeting was held oil the 8th of April presided over by the
             Ruler of Bahrain and/about thirty prominent merchants. Proposals
             v/ere  put forward but nothing concrete was dedided at this meeting.
             In I'ay a second meeting was held by the Bahrain Merchant community
             to consider a proposal to form their own landing company,       ~ sum
             of Rs. 7,00,000 was promised to finance it. A third meeting was
             held on the 29th May at the Agency. The Political Agent, his
             .Highness the Ruler of Bahrain, Shaikh Abdulla bin 'Isa, uncle of
             His Highness, Hr. C.D. Belgrave, the Adviser, and representatives
             of Messrs. Gray Mackenzie and Co Ltd., were present. At this
             meeting it soon became apparent that the merchants wished not to
             compete but to co-operate*with Messrs. Gray Mackenzie and the
             general impression was that the proposed landing company was un­
             likely to materialize. On the 1st of June a fourth meeting was
             held.   It was stated that the merchants would withdrew their
             application to the Bahrain Government provided Messrs. Gray
             Mackenzie accepted certain terms regarding delivery and care of
             cargo which should be discharged at Jansma, a 20 ;4 reduction in
             the~existing scale of landing charges, and that the Bahrain
             Government would review the scale of landing charges yearly.. Mr.
             Ueikle of Messrs. Gray Mackenzie agreed to most of the terms, but
             said that the question of discharging cargo at Manama would have
             to be taken up*v/ith the shipowners before he could give an outright
             decision.   He stated that the company could not agree to the
             proposed reduction of SO ;•£.   After seme discussion a reduction
             of 15 $ was agreed to on cargo landed ex vessels anchored at Manama.
             The merchants then announced their withdrawal of their application,
             but requested that they be allowed tc meet once a month to discuss
             any grievances et cetera. This was agreed to by the Gray Mackenzie
             Representative, present at the meeting. Ho further complaints
             have teen made.
             15. POST OFFICE
                           The following officials held charge as Sub-Postmaster
             in 1947:-
                          PAKRAIH .

                            (i) Mr. Dewa.n Cha.nd Sh’arma          From 1.1.1947
                                                                    to 31.10. 1947
                            (ii) Mr. Rajab Ali                     From 1.11.1947
                                                                   To 31.12.1947
                          *hey v/ere assisted by four clerks, three Postmen and
            one packer.
                               Registered Letters received             23,304
                               Registered Letters despatched           26,2S3
                               Registered Parcels received             10,003
                               Registered Parcels despacthed            5,182

                                                               Rs.     As.   P.
                              Sale of Stamps            2,96,919       11    9
                              Money Order Commission      30,551       • 4   0
                              British Postal Order
                              Poundage                         81       9    6
                              Indian Postal Order
                              commission                       58       8    0
                              Postage dues                   841        8    0

                                        Total      =    3,28,452       9     3

                                                      . / Value of Iloney Orders
   643   644   645   646   647   648   649   650   651   652   653