Page 652 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 652
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Liajor operations 549
illnor operations 3,622
Out-patients treated 13,452
In-patients treated 850
I.-inor operations 68
Kajor operations 259
The State Pedicel Hospital installed a new X-ray set
during the year; acquired considerable r.ew transport and set
up a L’uharraq lying in hospital and several out-dispensaries.
(v) "UAR.-.NTIXE
A sum of Rs. 6,4C0/- was spent by the Government of
Bahrain on repairs and lire washing of buildings and landing
Fifteen passengers and the crev; of a dhow from Dubai
which -arrived at Bahrein during the period of Cholera
restrictions against Dubai and Sharjah were kept under
observation at the station from the 6th to the 13th November, 1947.
"uerantir.e restrictions
Passengers by air from Egypt and by land and air from
India landing at Bahrain ware only permitted to land provided
they were in possession of valid anti-cholera inoculation
certificates. These restrictions continued throughout the year.
The outbreak of Cholera in the Hole East in the autumn
necessitated rigid precautions which prevented the disease from
entering the island. In Saudi Arabia the Government imposed a
can on travellers entering their ports. Three cases of.suspected
cholera occurred ir; Dubai and the Residency Surgeon accompanied
by tiie R.a.F. liedical Officer visited the Trucial Coast and
investigated the reported outbreak. They found no evidence of
cholera rut as a precautionary measure declared Dubai to be
infected. Restrictions were imposed and supplies of cholera
vaccine were sent to Dubai and Sharjah to inoculate the
inhabitants of the place.. Ko further cases were reported.
(a) Staff
I:r. R.LI. Brown was the Chief Local Representative
throughout the year.
In tfarch L'r. J.O.Fifer was appointed by the
roard of Directors of the Company to be Assistant General
(b) Production
The total oil production during the year was
9,410,710 net barrels, an average of 25,783 net barrels per day.
The rate of oil production was appreciably higher than in any
previous years as a result of additional wells and gas injection
which maintained a low rate of extraneous water invasion of
the reservoir.
(c) Development
In 1947 Six new wells were completed. A deep
test well wfs started during the year to test the formations below
the present depth of the field and to investigate the possibility
of developing commercial production of oil or gas.
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