Page 653 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 653

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                 (d) Imports of Arabian American Crude Oil
                      The capacity of the (A - 3) submarine pipe line has
            been increased by the looping of the present line on the land
            portion on the Bahrain side and other alterations and additions
            bn the Arabian side.
                      The total import of Arabian American Crude oil into
            Bahrain during the year totalled 36,052.303 net barrels and
            an additional 480,292 net barrels of crude received by tankers
            through Sitra Marine terminal. A total of 26,523,600 net
            barrels was received in the Refinery.

                 (e) Exploration 'fork
                      Drilling in the Additional Area has continued and
            structure holes to develop geological information within the
            Additional Area were completed. Six of these holes were
            drilled in the Kawar Island and two in the Fasht A1 Jarim area.

                      The information gathered from this work was reviewed
            and a plan formulated to continue the work in 1S48.
                 (f) F.efinerv operations
                      Refining operations were at a high rate throughout
            the year and crude runs during the year totalled 45,879,431
            barrels as compared to 33,939,452 barrels last year. Shipment
            of products during the year were as follows:-

                             Aviation Gasoline              90,832 barrels
                             :V sol i ne                10,625,235    "
                             Kerosene                    5,622,458 M
                             Diesel Oil                  7,293,699    »
                             Fuel Oil                   18,368,343   «

                                                        42,509,072 barrels

                      Shipment of Aviation Gasoline represents 48,709 barrels
            of Bahrain stock and 48,123 barrels imported from the U.3.A.
            during the year.
                      In addition to the above shipment the company shipped
            43,490 tons of coke produced in previous year's operations.

                      The foregoing through-put represented approximately
            a 35,* increase over 1946 operations and was accomplished by
            the alterations made to the existing equipment and operation
            on an exceedingly tight shipping programme pending the
            completion of adequate shipping tankage at Sitra.
                (g) Refinery

                      A few major facilities were completed during the year
            which consisted of (a) a vacuum unit for preparation of refined
            residuums for Asphalt manufacture, (b) a convertor unit for
            preparing Air blown Asphalt and (c) a 12" pipe ?/as looped off
            the Bahrain portion of the Arabian - Bahrein Crude Line.

                      Other minor alterations were also completed on several
            existing plants which were under construction in the previous
                                                         I 00 Sitra & Sltra
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