Page 658 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 658

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              Seven passengers and three crew were killed,  Seventeen
              persons escaped with shock and injuries.
                      (iij) Visit of B.O.A.C. Officials

                            On the 28th of August the Middle East Manager
              with members of the Corporation visited Bahrain on their way
              to survey the U.S. Army and Air Field at Dhahran for their
              land plane services.
                       (iv) Statistics

                            A short table of statistics is given Velow.
              Fewer passer, jers embarked and disembarked at Bahrain than
              in the previous year, but there was a great increase in freight
              and mail.
                                                        Embarked       Disembarked
                            Post Office mail            5,299 Kgs.       8,539 Kgs.
                            Diplomatic mail                179  "         •292  "
                            Troops mail                11,482  "         3,979  "
                            Freight                    11,969  "        23,336   «'
                            Stores                      9,204  "        65,447   "
                            Passengers                  1,435            1,621
                            Transitting Passengers = 11,009

              24. ROYAL N.-.VY
                            Captain R.J.R Dendy, R.N., was Senior Naval
              Officer, Persian Gulf, for the major part of the year,      He
              was relieved by Captain L.E. Porter, R.N., in November.
                            An agreement was signed between the Royal Navy
              and the Bahrain Government which provided that the Distilling
              PJar.t at Jufeir should he operated by the Bahrain Government,
              as the Royal Navy could not provide the personnel for the plant.
                            The ships in the squadron remained H.I'.S.
              ,r.Vild Goose" and K.M.3. "./REN".  H.l-.S. "Loch Quoich" and
              H.H.5. "Loch Glendhu" also visited 3ahrain.

                            The Royal Navy .survey ship K.N.S, "Challenger"
              visitec Bahrain and worked off Qatar during the year under
                            On the 25th February Vice Admiral Sir Arthur
             Palliser, K.C.3., D.S.C., Commander-in-Chief, East Indies,
              accompanied ry Lady Palliser and Captain R.J.R. Dendy, R.N  •)
             Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf, visited Bahrain in H.J.i.S.
             "Glasgow'.1 The Hon'ble the LtrCol. W.R. Hay, C.S.I.,C.I.E    • j
             Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, and His Highness
             Shaikh Salman called separately on the Commander-in-chief on
             board E.K.3. GLA3G07/.  He returned their calls the same day
             at Jufair and Ghadhabiyeh respectively. The Political Agent,
             accompanied by the Assistant Political Agent, also called on
             the Comraander-in-Chief, Captain A.J. Kubback, C.B.E., Flag
             Captain returning this call at the Agency. ,
             25. ROYAL AIR FORCE

                           T//Cdr. P.R.M. Williams held charge as Air
             Staff Liaison Officer till the 29th of May. -The Post was
             vacant till the 12th August, when 3q/Ldr. G.E. Lewis took over.
                           The Royal Air Force establishments at Bahrain
             and Sharjah have been greatly reduced. Civil aircraft using
             Muharraq are now handled and services by the British Overseas
             Airways Corporation. There are no night landing facilities
             apart from those necessary for emergency landings only.
                                                                  I Late
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