Page 655 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 655

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                            The main survey was concentrated on the area
           from LTaqta westwards for approximately 100 miles and covering
           the terrain inland to a depth of 50 kilometres.

                            A further line was run from Jabal Ali east­
           wards to the main mountain range.
                            The following gives a summary of personnel
           employed by Petroleum Concessions Limited on the Trucial Coast.
                               British             6
                               Americans           9
                               British Indian     . 1
                               Trucial Coast      99
                               Bahrainis          4.
                               Museati             1
                               Portuguese          1

                                         Total 121

                            The rehabilitation of Dukhan Camp continued
          throughout the year and many new buildings were completed and
          occupied hy staff.

                         • A greater number of industrial buildings have
          also been completed and machinery built,       .-Yorkshops and other
          ancillary units have been erected and put into operation.
                               The progress has indeed been slow, but
          this was due to delay in delivery of materials er.c to lack of
          essential fittings which are very difficult tc obtain.
                     (a) The complete triangulation of the latar
          Peninsula to supply control points for aerial napping was
          concluded.                                     was
                     (b) ,The Aerial survey of leter/conpletec by Messrs.
          Hunting Aero Surveys Limited in April.

                     (c)    The land and sea survey of the proposed site
          for a terminal loading pointing at A1 Arrif cn the east.coast
          was commenced. K.M.S. Challenger carried out survey work on
          7/akrah and El Arrif.
                     (d) A survey was commenced on the v/est coast at A1
          Hamlah to provide a large scale contour map of the area which
          will eventually contain the industrial Area on the ground
          adjoining the seashore with the permanent camp on the high
          ground inland with possibly a boat harbour.
                            Extentions to the jetty* at Zekrfc were commenced.
                   ■ (e)
                     (f)    Survey and Construction Camps at Umm Bab and
          Umm Musha have been erected and are occupied.
                     (g)    The main arterial road system was commenced and
          good progress has been made.

                     Drilling In Qatar.
                            No. 4 well was spudded (i.e. the ground was
          first broken by a drill) in September and a depth of 5000 feet
          was drilled by the end of the year.

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