Page 252 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
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22 G Part III-
tbo River Euphrates, and was the private property of Licufennnt-Colonol Taylor,
the Politioal Agent in Turkish Arabia ; Captain Lynch was therefore informed
that before sanctioning its permanent occupation it was requisite that Gov-
©rnraent should bo mado acquainted with its advantages and capabilities, and
also of the state of tho buildings thoro, as well ns tho purposes for which they
wero adapted. An onginoor officer was ordered to bo deputed from Karrack
for tho purposo of examining the placo, and Captain Lynch was in tho
meantime instructed to report tho terms on which tho buildings could bo
obtainod by Government, and to explain the nature of Licutonant-Colonol
Taylor's title to the property, and tho manner in which ho had become pos-
Bossed of it.
230. On tho 11th July 1840, the Adjutant-General submitted to Govern
ment tho report of a committee of military officors, who, in consoquonce of tho
ill-health of the engineer officer at Karrack, had been deputed by Lieutenant-
Colonel Hughes, Commanding the Field Foroo in tho Persian Gulf, to report
on the advantages and capabilities of Maaghil. From this report it appeared
that tbo buildings at Maaghil wero well adapted for the purposes for which
they were required, but Government before sanctioning their occupation re
solved to await tho result of tho reference which had been made to Captain
Lynch as to the terms on which thoy could be obtained.
231. On the 26th March 1841, Lieutenant Campbell, of tho Indian Navy,
then in temporary charge of tbo Euphrates Flotilla, referred Government to
tho report from the Committee above alluded to, as containing the above in
formation, and also to a previous report which ho stated Captaiii Lynch had
addressed to Government in which ho had reported the terms on which the
buildings at Maaghil could be obtained from Lioutenant-Oolonel Taylor, whose-
title to these buildings, Lieutonant Campboll stated, was that of private pur
chase from his predecessor, Mr. Manesty, besides a considerable private outlay
which Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor had made upon tho premises. The letter
from the Committeo howevor did not, as supposed by Lieutenant Campbell,
embraoe tho information required by Government, and as no report of the
nature he mentioned had been received from Captain Lynch, Lieutenant
Campbell was directed, on the 24th April 1841, to furnish tho requisite inform
ation without further delay. In reply Lieutenant Oompbell on tho 15th
October 1841 stated that Captain Lynch had intermediately resumed command
of the flotilla, and had forwarded the information required by Government
regarding Maaghil. No such information had howevor reached Government,
and Captain Lynch was informed to this effect on tho 30th December 18 tl.
232. In reply Captain Lynch in a letter, dated the 1st March 1812, stated
that the report on Maaghil called for by Government had been sent through
Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor by the same post as that which had conveyed Lieuten
ant Campbell's letter of the 15th October 1811 ; Captain Lynch was iuformed
in reply that the report alluded to had not been received, and be was instructed
to forward a duplioate, which he accordingly did on the 7th October 1842. Iu
this report Captain Lynch stated that Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor had become
possessed of the Maaghil property by purchase, and had constructed the princi
pal portion of the present building, and that on receiving permission from that
officer to occupy the premises as a dep6t for the Euphrates Flotilla, he under
stood that they could be obtained for tho use of Government either at a fixed
monthly rent or by purohase. In the former case Captain Lynch stated that
he was of opinion that from Rs. 150 to Rs. 200 per mensem would be a fair rent,
but that he had sent his letter to Government under a flying seal to Lieuten
ant-Colonel Taylor, with a request that he would annex a statement .of the
monthly rent or tho purchase money ho required for these buildings. Lieuten
ant-Colonel Taylor in forwarding Captain Lynch’s letter stated that the property
at Maaghil had cost him altogether Company's Rs. 30,000 and that at Baghdad
Company’s Rs. 10,000, and be left it to the option of Government either to
purchase these buildings, or to allow him a monthly rent for the whole of them,
of Company’s Rs. 250, ho not being liable for repairs. In reply Captain Lynch
was, on the 30th Novembor 1842, informed that Government saw no necessity
for cither purchasing or renting.