Page 255 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 255
Chapter XII. 229
been but too nnxious to deprive Ibe English of. They submitted also a memo
randum of Sir H. Rawlinson supporting their opinion.
245. The Secretary of State in bis despatch No. 13, dated 14th February
1873, in sending tho letter of Messrs. Lynch & Co. to the Government of
India wrote:—
M In tho absence of information from your Government ns to tho reasons which have led
to tho orders in question, I confine myself to expressing a hope that tho necessity for main
taining a depflt with frontngc on the Euphrates and tho especially convenient 6ito for such a
dep6t afforded by Maaghil iiavo not boen overlooked.”
246. Meanwhile Colonel Herbert had agreed with ono Haji Ibrahim Mey-
meno for tho lease for Its. 100 ayoar of a
Political A., Auguit 1873, Nos. 13G-149.
building, which ho had undertaken to erect
suitable for the required depot at a spot, nearer to the town and the new Gov
ernment buildings, and connected with both by good roads. Under this new
arrangement the Commander of the Comet would have a depot entirely at his
own command, and a jetty for his exclusive use, in place of a depdt, which was
shared with Messrs. Lynch and Co., and a quay, capable of accommodating only
one steamer at a time. As the necessary arrangements had already been mado
for tho removal of the depot, it was too late to suspend the operations. The
Secretary of State was iuformed accordingly (despatch No. 143, dated 4th
August 1873.)
247. The following comparative statement was sent by tho Political Resident
showing tho cost of tho old and new depot at Basrah
Amount. Amount.
Rs. A. P.
Annual expenses of tho old depflt Rs. A. P.
Rent per annum ... ... 1,200 0 0 Reduced annual cost under
the new arrangement.
Beluch Guardt.
Rent per annum ... 1,200 0 0
Jemadar at Rs. 13-10-4 per Storekeeper per annum ... ISO 0 0
mensem ... Ra.163 12 0
Doorkeeper por annum ... 144 0 0
Seven men at R6. 7 per men Boat hire (say) 24 0 0
sem ... Rs. 58S 0 0
Total ... 1,548 0 0
751 12 0
Storekeeper or Superintendent Saving 644 0 0
of Dep6t, at Rs. 14-5-8 per
mensem 172 4 0
Average annual lighter hiro ... 68 0 0
Total ... 2,192 0 0 Total ... 2,192 0 0
248. The new depot was occupied on 30th June 1873 and its lease com
menced on 1st July.
249. In the Resident’s opinion there was no ground for fear that the Turks
would deprive Messrs. Lynch and Co. of their Maaghil property, of which they
could hold possession under tho law protocol of 1869, granting to foreigners
tho right of holding immoveable property in the Ottoman dominions (Colonel
Political A., Avgust 1873, Nos. 136-149, Herbert’s letter No. 21, dated 6th May
(No. 140). 1873). As a matter of fact tho house and
ground in Kut-el-Firenghi continued to be occupied by Messrs. Lynch and Co.,
and they have not been disturbed from
Political A., Novcmbor 1873, Nos. 91-92.
them by the Turks (Resident’s letter No.
44, dated 6tb September 1873).
(iii) The Dromedary Post between Damascus and Baghdad, 1844-
260. As already stated, tho Syrian desert post had, with a period of interrup
tion, been maintained as a Consular post in one form or another for about one
hundred years. Although this line had never been in any way connected with
• For provious history see Chapter XI (l), paragraphs 110—119.
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