Page 334 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 334
302 Part IV.
the 27th February 18-10, copy of a letter to his address from Lieutenant
Wliilolock, Assistant Political Agent in Lower Sind, stating with reforouco to
the orders issued to him hy Colonel Outram to call upon 11 is Highness Mir
Hnssir Khan to ropay the sum of Its. 60,000 above alluded to, that ho (Lieu
tenant Whifolook) had received on the 9th January 184.0, the amount of a
bill drawn on the Resident in Sind in His Highness’ favor hy Lieutenant Parr,
Acting Sub-Assistant Commissary-General, for Company’s Rs. 31,310-3-0 and
that 11 is HighnoiS staled that the balance (Its. lS,GS2-13-0) might be deducted
from the amount duo to him for grain which it appears had been purchased at
Subzulcoto by Sir Alexander Rurnes for the Commissariat Department of the
Army of the Indus.
101.G. With a letter, dated tho 2Slli March 1810, Lieutenant-Colonel
Outram forwarded to Government copy of the following communication lie
had addressed on the 2Gth of the same month, to the Secretary in attendance on
the Right Hon’hle the Governor General of India, accounting for the delay in
adjusting the halance duo by His Highness Mir Nassir Khau.
“I havrt the honor to inform you that wlu-n Lieutenant Whitrlock called upon Ilis
Highness Mecr Nussecr Khan (in January last) to repay the sum of fifty thousand rupees
advanced to his Agents hy the Political Agent in Turkish Arabia, he paid iuto the Hyderabad
Treasury the sum of thirty-one thousand, three hundred and seventeen rupees and annas
three, being the amount for grain purchased hy the Bombay Commissariat Officers at the
mouth of the Indus, and told that olliccr that he could deduct the balance from the amount
due for grain purchased at SuLzulcolc, and for which he requested an early payment might be
made as already upwards of twelve mouths had elapsed.
“All the time, His Highness said that lie possessed receipts for tho quantity of grain deli
vered, and since, has continually sent evasive answers when called upon to produce them, for
until the nature of them was kuown, no settlement could be made.
“ On receiving n message 3 days ago that His Highness was not quite certain that he had
ever received any bucIi documents,or if he had, that it had been mislaid, or lost, I examined
the records for every informat ion on the subject, and from the accompanying correspondence (as
per margin) it appears that Lieutenant-Colonel Sir A. Barnes omitted either to draw upon
the Treasury for tho amount of tho price of the grain in favor .of Meer Nussscr -Khan, or to
write to the Resident in Sindlo settle for it, and in the absence of any bucIi authority, I am
induced to solicit. His Lordt-hip’s sanction to my paying Ilis Highness the price of the grain
at the then (December lb38) market rate at Subzuleote, for he denies having agreed to rcceivo
the sum of eighty rupees per Khurwar, as slated in Lieutenant Leckio's letter dated the
2Gth December 1838.
u In the meantime, I shall endeavour to ascertain from tho grain-dealers at Subzuleote,
the price of wheat in December 1838, also the rate at which the Bengal Commissariat Ollicors
purchased it in that neighbourhood.”
101-IT. No further communications from the authorities in Sind appear
to have reached this Government ou the subject of tbo adjustment ;of tho
balance above referred to.
101-1. In reply to repeated references made to him by Government on
the subject, Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, Political Agent in Turkish Arabia, for
warded on tbo 1st July 1S-J-2, the following account of all sums advanced by liim
from time to time to the Agent at that place of His Highuess Mir Nassir
Khan on account of the repair of the canal at Kerhella:—