Page 335 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 335
Chapter XX. 303
u Account of advances mado from the British Pcsidoncy at Bagdad to Soyyed Mchdco
Tabatabair, the Agent of Hie Highness Mccr Nussccr Khan of Sind, as follows :— i
1837 R9. A. P.
October 31st By amount of advances mado Mahomed Shall Karans
4)1,1021 @ 163 to 100 By rupees ... 2,4501 4, 0
April 5th By amount of advances made in four different times
amounting to Karans 50,000 @ 18o$ to 100 By
rupees Ml 26,954 3 0
November 20th By amount of advance made in two different times Karans
34,400 @ 1S5£ to 100 By rupees 18,544 3 0
By Rupees 09,999 10 0
Juno 20th By amount of advance made by bills 76,000 Karans @
190 to 100 C.’s Rupees ... ... 40,000 0 0
C’s. Rupees 1,09,999 10 0
British Residency, Bagdad, 1st July 1842,
E. E.
(Signed) R. TAYLOR, Lieut.’Colonel,
“ Political Agent, Turkish Arabia ”,
101*J. Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor was from time to time authorized
by Government to make advances for the Canal at Kerbolla to the extent of
Rs. 1,20,000 and from the above account it would appear that he advanced
altogether to tho Agont of His Highness Mir Nassir Khan the sum of
Rs. 1,09,999-10-0 which would leavo a balance of Rs. 10.000-G-0. From tho
information that the records of the Political Department supply, it appears that
Government had only received from His Highness Mir Nassir Khan the sum
of Rs. 1,01,317-3-0, so deducting from this amount the sum advanced by
the Political Agent in Turkish Arabia, viz., Rs. 1,09,999-10-0, a balance of
Rs. 8,6S2-7-0 remained to he recovered from Mir Nassir Khan.
101-K. Tho account appears lo have been adjusted afterwards and tho
balance due paid by Nassir Khan.
101-L. The endowment does not, however, appear to have been put to
full use for many years, for wo find Colonel Kemball reporting his despatch to
Embassy, No. 2S, dated 5th August 18G3 :—
u A third projeot which is at present engaging His Excellency’s attention is the repair and
extension of the canal called Iluseeiniych, whicu proceeds from the Euphrates and little above
the Iliudiah to Kerbclla, with tho view of ensuring a constant supply of water at all seasons to
that town.- For this object a sum of money, about 2,000 purses, h s been assigned by au
Indian Nawab, since dead, and llis Excellency has deputed tho Egyptian-trained Engineers
on his staff to make an cstimato of the work and report upon tho best mude of cany iug it
into cffoct.”