Page 341 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 341
Chapter XX. 309
Difficulty of apprehending the robbers of the u Cashmere.”
Haji Hashim Khan, tlio Mohcssil from Teheran, reached Baghdad in
Latter, Political A cent, Turkish Arabia, No. ], November 1S72, hub was not got off to
dated 3rd January 1873. Basrah till Iho 4th Doccmbcr. On tho
General A., Ib73, Nos. 30—1C.
15th he left that placo with Mr. Robertson
to meet Hamza Mirza, Princo Govornor of Persian Arabislan, and they all
threo went together to Pclahcca.
There Prince Hamza Mirza at onco arrestod Sheikh Lufti and made him
over to Haji Hashim Khan: tho enquiry into the Sheikh’s conduct was com
menced on December 27th in tho prcscnco of Mr. Robertson and the Turkish
On receiving this news Colonel Herbert warned Mr. Robertson that this
would be tho beginning of their difficulty, and that it would need all his care
and tho Turkish Agents’ to prevent abuse in the enquiry. On 20th December
Mr. Robertson telegraphed to Colonel Herbert:—
M Please have Prince Hamza Miiza peremptorily ordered to arrest and deliver Cashmere
pirates in Persian Arabist an, and not to leave Fclakeea until they arc delivered. Felahcea
hot-bed of intrigue. Sadr Azom’s last telegram to Prince Ilamza should be cancelled, and
Prince instructed to act as required by Turkish Agents and 6clf. He is opposed to us and will
do nothing unless constrained.’'
Colonel Herbert sent a copy of this telegram to Teheran.
In a letter of Mr. Robertson’s, dated 8th November, to Colonel Herbert,
tho former stated that Hamza Mirza was said to be strongly opposed to the
surrender of the robbers and plunder, professedly for the reason that there was
no obligation on Persia to surrender them in the absence of an extradition
Treaty with Turkey; but really, said Mr. Robertson, becauso much of the
money received from Sheikh Lufti was Cashmere plunder. Ilaji Jaber Khan
was said to bo at enmity with Sheikh Lufti, and the latter unpopular with his
tribe, but supported by Princo Hamza Mirza with 200 soldiers. A large
number of robbers were infesting the neighbourhood of Pelahcea.
Prince Hamza Mirza, accompanied by Sheikh Lufti [who was not then
undor arrest, if he ever had been], had an interview with Mr. Robertson on
23rd December when tho former promised to do liis utmost, but made a state
ment with reference to the steps he had taken at Hawcza, which was afterwards
found to he untrue.
Mr. Robertson and the Turkish Agents held a meeting on tho 27th Decem
ber, wrote the former,
“ ostensibly for purpose of proving Sheikh Lufti’B culpability in harbouring the pirates and
taking their plunder, but really in order to obtain from him, before witnesses, some informa
tion as to where the pirates aTc now to be found. lie avowed nothing, but admitted that he
knew a good deal. Of his having harboured the pirates, taken their plunder and given it to
Princo Ilamza Mirza there can be no doubt, but these facts would be exceedingly difficult, the
last impossible to prove, and their proof would not lead to the capture of the pirates, which is,
I imagine, the principal object in view. Prince Ilamza wishes to reinstate Lufti, Sheikh of the
Folahoca. If ho docs so, and sends him, supported by troops, to capture the priates, tho Prince
being meaowhilo detained here by the order, which I have requested, and which, I trust, will
soon arrive from Teheran, the pirates will doubtless be produced."
On being pressed to state definitely the steps be meant to take for tbo !
apprehension of the pirates, the prince named tbo officer whom bo bad
addressed for the purposo. Lufti had been reinstated as Sheikh of Pclaheca,
and proceeded to Darol Moolla to arrest piratos. Princo Hamza Mirza wished
to leave for Pchaloca (not to be confounded with Pelahcea), hut was ordered
by telegram from the Sadr Azem at Teheran to arrest any pirates still at
Pelaheca beforo leaving Moliammcrah.