Page 344 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 344
312 Part IV.
opinion therein expressed, Ilis Graco concurring in it, and adding that tho ex
pediency of tho course proposed by tho Government of India was heightened
by tho fact that tho Turkish Government was bolieved to have already recovered
a considerable amount of tho plundered property.
MS. Lord Granville again referred the matter to tho Crown Law Officers,
who still adhered to their opinion that Ilcr Majesty’s Government could not pro
perly address any official or diplomatic request to tho Government of the Porto
for compensation, and that any application of such a nature to the Porte on tho
part of ilcr Majesty’s Government would make a dangerous or at least an in
convenient precedent.
149. Tho Government of India then wroto to the Resident (No. 1654-Q.,
dated 17th July 1873)—
I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letters noted in tho margin, on the subject
of the recovery of the property plundered from the
Ko. 12, dated 12th March 1673. Cashmere, and punishment of the pirates.
„ 17, „ 10 li April „
n 18, H 23rd „ ii
With referenco to your letter No. 9, dated 8th March 1873, to the Governor-General of
Baghdad, repeating your hope that the Ottoman Government would be pleased to order the
payment of 6uch compensation as might appear fitting to the family of tho murdered fireman,
Ismail Khan, and tho thirteen wounded persons, 1 am instructed to forward, for your infor
mation, copy of a correspondence between the Secretary of State for India and tho Foreign
Office, from which you will sco that Her Majesty’s Government do not consider it advisable to
make this demand on the Porte.
In tho first of your lettors under reply you submit to tho special notice of His Excellency
tho Viceroy tho names of those who have co-operated with you in the matter of the piracy of
tho Cashmere. His Excellency in Council desires that you will convey to Riouf Pasha the
acknowledgments of the Government of India for the efforts he has made to recover the
pluuder, and bring the offenders to justice. You arc also authorized to convey to Haji Juber
Khan, Nasir Pasha, Syed Abdul Rahman Effendi, and Hossein Zohair Chelobi, tho thanks of
His Excellency in Council in fitting terms. Your proposal to give these four persons certain
presents is also sanctioned, provided Ilis Excellency Riouf Pasha has no objection ; but you
should first stato the cost that it is proposed to incur for the articles to be presented.*
With regard to Mr. Robertson, Ilis Excellency in Council appreciates the zeal and
intelligence which have marked his exertions from first to last. Ilis Excellency in Council
approves the designation you suggest for Mr. Robertson, on the understanding that it entails
no extra cost on Government, and is not mado the foundation for a claim to additional pay.
Tho change in his dcBiguation has been gazetted, and a copy of tho Notification is enclosed for
your information.
150. Ill's Excellency in Council is pleased to Function the payment of Its. 2,141 on account
of tho expenses incurred by the British Agent at Basrah and other officers in connection with
tho piracy of the Cashmere.
161. On 6th August 1873 Colonel Herbert reported tho arrest of two more
From Politic! /pent, Turtiib Arabia, Ko. 39, °f t.1’0 Vj^ OUe OfwllOtn,
dated cth Austin ih73. Jasim-cl-Jvhalar, said to have been tho
C“°' aclual lcatl01' °r the aUack on H,c sfearner.
The Governor-General, Baghdad, promised
they would bo tried with all expedition. lie asked for early reply to
his letters in which lie desired that satisfaction of His Excellency in Council
with tho conduct of the Persian officials might be expressed. This was done in
our No. 1634-G., dated 17th July last.
162. On 2Gth July Colonel Herbert asked Redif Pasha, the Governor-Gen
eral, 1o apply to the Porto for permission
* Stated at Kopcci 10,205-0.
to make good the balance * of the amount
of specie and properly plundered. He also submitted to llcdif Pasha claims for
compensation as follow:—To the family of Ismail Khan, tho murdered fireman,
rupees 1,000. To Mr. Bradford, the Clerk, for injuries, etc., £200. To Mr.
L. Mackenzie, Chief Engineer, for wrist wounded, £25.
153. Redif Pasha repliod that most of the property had been recovered
and most of the offenders punished, and that Colonel Herbert's letter would bo
forwarded to the Porte.
154. Colonel Herbert again wroto that of tho plundered property tho
amount recovered from Persia was nearly double that recovered from Turkish
•Net**.—The follmvinj prcuiiis were given under miction of tlia Government of India (No. 103*0.,dated 21.-J
January ibf4}.—
A doublo poled tent to Xarir rruha. P*
Ounil A. Fclrtir; 1(74, KCJ. 1-7. A six-onr,d cult, r to Haji Jahira.
A fold natch with chain to Ahdul Itabirao.