Page 355 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 355

Chapter XX.                    323

          inasmuch as tlio crew of the Comet is neither enrolled under the Indian
          Marino Act nor subject to the Indian Articles of War, and that had it been
          necessary to uso force the Officer Commanding tho Comet might have been
          involved in serious consequences. lie therefore asks that tho Political Resident
          he instructed to desist from sucli action in futuro. It was further explained
          (No. 502, dated 7th July 190-i) that the Resident pressed for the mon on tho
          ground that it was an urgent public duty, adding that he would accept all
              229. Tho Government of India (Marine Department) stated in reply (No.
          592, dated 7th July 190'i)
              In reply, I am to observe the Government of India arc advised that the action of the
          Resident was not illegal, and the matter was one for him to deal with purely from the stand
          point of expediency. As ho considered that he could not trust tho prisoners to a guard of
           their brother soldiers, it was incumbent upon him to take any steps he considered necessary in
          reason  and good faith for their safe custody. lie was competent therefore to require for that
          purpose the aid of any oiliccr or man serving under the Government of India, and the fact
          that the lascars were not subject to tho Marine Act or Articles of IVar docs not alter tho posi­
          tion. The Government of India therefore consider it unnecessary to issue any instructions to
          restrict the Resident from employing lascars as a guard iu future. The Resident must bo tho
          sole judge of tho expediency of such a measure, and the propriety of any similar action taken
          by him m reason and good faith cannot be questioned. In these circumstances the responsibi­
          lity for any uutoward circumstance arisiug from the employment of lascars would rest with
           the Resident.

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