Page 358 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 358

                                         Modern History of Mohammerah.
                           Building of the two forts of Mohammerah and of Koot-cl-Shoikh.
                           Heir to the Chiefship of Chaab stationed at Koot-cl-Shcikh.
                          This place a bond fide dependency of Fcllaliiah.
                           Chief of Mohammerah endeavour to ho dependent of Chaab.
                           Moliammcrali ruined by Ali Pasha.
                           Hnjeo Jaaber, the Chief, throws himsolf at tho protection of Persia.
                           Slioikh Tharair of Fcllaliiah doclarcs his dependency on Turkey.
                           Persia establishes her authority over both Mohammerah and Chaab.
                           Blood feud between tho Chiefs of Mohammerah and Fcllaliiah.
                           Temporary occupation of Mohammorah by Persian troops at Sheikh Jaaber’s
                           Officer continues to roside there on the part of the Persian Government.
                           Present appearauce of Mohammerah.
                           State of trade.
                           Hitherto a free port.
                           Probability of losing this advantage on the settlement of tho dispute at
                       preseut pending.
                           Sheikh Jaabor’s bitter hostility to Sheikh Thamir, a consideration of conse­
                       quence in adjusting the frontier.
                           Enumeration of tho lands and villages at present in dispute between Persia
                       and Turkey.


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