Page 357 - Gulf Precis (VI)_Neat
P. 357
Memorandum on the Kaab tribe and Mohammerab by Sir H.
Kawlinson, dated 6th January 1844.
Abstract of Memorandum.
Dependency oj the Chaab tribe.
Early history of tlio tribe.
Originally Turkish subjects.
Migration to Guban.
Continued dcpcndonco upon Turkey.
Cros9 into the Persian Territory.
Condition of the tribe under Sheikh Salman virtually independent.
Persia and Turkey fail in attempts to reduce them.
Founding of Fellahiah in Persian Territory.
Opening of political connexion with Persia.
Turkey maintains her claim.
Relations between Turkey and the Cbaab during the last century.
Indicative of anything but dependence.
Acts of violonco and hostility on the part of the Chaab.
Sheikh Tamir alone shows a disposition to court protection.
Comparison with the above of the connexion during the same peroid of
Chaab with Persia.
A pecuniary liability attaches to the tribe but undefined in its nature and
Dependency on Porsia for a long period shown to have been only partial.
Latterly control of Persia has been completo.
Present stato of the question of dependency.
Right of Territory.
Boundaries of the two empires, Irak-i-Arab and Kliurzistan.
Basis of geographical distinction between these provinces.
Practical application of it in marking the old line of frontier.
Rendered fluctuating and perplexed from the changes in tho courses of the
Difficulty of verifying the principle in modern times.
Instanco of departure from it in reference to lands of Guban.
Means available for proving tho territorial right of Turkey to lands on the
8hat-el-Arab, independently of mere geographical precedent.
Mohamraerah included in these lands and in possession of Turkey until
within tho last few years.
Former dependency of Mohamraerah on Bussora geographically correct.
At present owing to changos in tho courso of tho river it belongs geo
graphically to Kliurzistan.
8kctch of the frontier as it should be drawn on conformity with the basis
of the old distinction between Irak-i-Arab and Kliurzistan.
Gives to Turkoy all the lands on the Shat-ol-Arab and to Porsia Moham*