Page 126 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 126

114                       Records of Bahrain

                                       Ho.               of 13GV
                                       Offloo of the Advisor to
                                       tho Government, Bahrain.
                                       Bated, Dooumbor B6, 1U49

                                  C. Dalrymplo Bolgruve, l£«qr  • •  0. IB. K • i
                                        Adviuor to tho Oovormuont of Buhraln,

                                  Tho Chief Local Hoprouontntlvo,
                                        Tho Bahrain Potrolouto Company, Ltd  • •

                                  I havu tho honour to otuto that 1 ina inotruotod
                           by Bin ilighuoaij shaikh Clr Culiuun biu llumud Alkliullfuh,
                           Hulor of Bahru in 9 to rauko known to tho Bahrain petro-

                           louia Company that tho royalty rovluion for which provl-
                           aiou io ina do in tho Loaoo dated iiVth Bocoiobor 1934,
                           granting mi oil Conoouolon to tho Bahrain petroleum
                           Company uhould bo offootivo ua from lut January, 19bu,
                           au provided, ana Unit tho ruviuod royulty rate uhould
                           bo u 10/- (ton rupoaa) por ton instead of i:a 3/u (throo-

                           rupoou and eight unnuu) por ton au under tho pruaont
 i                               B.   Tho royalty roquoutod horo la oonalotont with
                           tho principlo stilted in my letter Ho. (ittl-BO dated 17th
                           January, 1949, addrounod to Ilia Brituunio liujooty'o

                           Puliticul Agout, Buhruin, un uxtruot from which wuo
                           forwarded to you by him on Vtli M*roh, 1949, nuruoly
                           thut the royalty au revluod uhould oompsro favourably
                           with payuiuutu made by otlier oil Companies to tho
                           (jovonuaontu of other oil producing neighbour lug oouw-
                            Iriou.   In uupport of the rovluion which lliu iliglinoao
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