Page 130 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 130

118                        Records oj Bahrain


                              incrouuod royalty ruto.

                                   4.      Arguments to prove that Bahrein noods more
                              rovonuo from oil huyo not boeu introduced into tho letter
                              to tho Company, although tho Covormaont in uwuro that
                              there iu frequent oritioinia in lCuropo und in America of
                              oil companioo which oxploit tho oil of tho Middle if.ust

                              otaton without making rouoonablo oontribution to tho
                              economic duynlopiQout of tho producing oountriou,     Tho
                              luannor in whioh tho Covormaont npondu lto rovonuo in
                              Uuhruin, half of whioh in Uorivod from thu oil royalty,
                              oould bo onlurged upon und it can bo truly oaid that
                              considerably over half of tho rovonuo in upont upon
                              public iiuprovoiQonto, uoolal services und bronchos of tho
                              udiuiniotrntion which arc for .tho direct benefit of tho
                              people of Huhrain.     Tho standard of living has rioon
                              groutly in tho loot fifteen yours und it iu ntill rising,

                              oomlitiunu have iiaprovod mainly owing to tho work which
                              tho Covormaont lias done for tho people whioh hnn boon
                              paid for from rovonuo.
                                    53.    Costs, during rooout yours, liuvo inoroasod
                               enormously, the price of labour und uutoriulu iis throe
                               times higher then it wus a fow yours ago.     If tho present

                               rute of progress la to bo inaintuinod in future ljahruiu
                               must have more revenue.    Bahrain huo no substantial
                               sources of rovonuo upart from tho oil royalty und oouroos

                               dependent upon oil,    poarling used to be the main industry
                               but tJiiu trade iu now iu u poor ututo.    The (Jovernwont
                               would lilco to embark upou important agricultural schemes
                               but this is not poualblo unless its inoomo is oonuidorubly
                                    o.      Oil does not lust for ovor and tho Bahrain

                               field is u small one.    The Oovornmont huo to consider
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