Page 134 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 134
122 Records of Bahrain
Wo. CON-MlO. Pnd I'arch, 19%.
Tho UcOiroln l‘otroloui!i Oonnuny 1g
deeply 6yiapathotlc with Your llichnooo '
desire for an increase In rovouuo and
recognises tho need for ouch Incrouuo to
continue tho Improvement of conditlonu o:
lifo of Your Richness1 subjects for uhicl
tho plans of Your Ilichnoau aro 00 rapRl
devolopinp. Indeed, tho hopes and
aspirationo of Your Hltflmooo, liko tho*
opox-atinp oxlotonco of tho Company, aro
baoed upon tho proceeds of oil produoud
and aold. Tho future of tho nation of
Bahrein is depondont upon conditlonu of
prosperity whloh result from commorco
and employment flowing from a successful
oil producing and refining induotry.
Uocor.nioinR the identity of
interests betwoon Your Ilichnoss and tho
Bahrain Potroloum Company, it is tho duty
of the Company to inform Your Richness
that its careful and oincoro studios oi‘
tho conditions of marketing oil now and,
in tho forooooablo future havo convinced
! tho Company tliat a rate of royalty of
Rs.10 per ton, noarly throo times tho
present rate, is much too high. Tho
Company does, nevertheless.. rocot'nlao
tho nocoaulty for an increase in the rut«1
of royalty, Tho Bahrein Petroleum Compar.j
thoroforo, rcopoctfully requests tliut
Your Richness conoidor tho present
circumstances of tho production and
marketing of oil which ve have mentioned
and which Ivavo boon dlsouscod in do tail
with your Advisorv Mr# Belgrave, and that
by discuooion between Mr. E A«6klran.r
Vico-Prooidont of tho Company, and clthe
Your Hiclmoso or Mr. Belcravo, a ralu of
royally bo dotex'olnod that viil I por. iJl
tho maximum contlnuod development. of
tho oil rosourcos of Bahrein.
I havo the horiom* to ho
Youryl lip,lino e«3 • Servant
<Z cr.-cxV.
R. M. Brown
Chief local hoprooontatlvo.