Page 138 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 138
126 Records oj Bahrain
\V \V KK*» > ^ ^
Cm /—**♦!*
Bahrain, April 10, 1900.
»ni ^iUji jjUf t y j js-
aulraan bin Hamad AlKhalifah,
llulor of Bahrain.
Tho Ohiof LoohI Heproaentutivo,
>*1 ^UJI JwJI j^VI j^-vi Tho Bahrain petroleum Co
Cml< a jy J>«J I I JaIj 1)jiJ Bahrain, • 1
f /—*^JI
Aftor Ooiapllrauntu 1
l| ^ jJb jla(
wo thank you for your lottor
!•! f-3* ^ (S /—**
Uo. CCU-4&0 dated lath April 1900,
j oJlj I ^ ■> •
in which you inform ua that tho
b 3 - jjh LJ jAJI i—n 1^ b j u*b Company aocuptu tho proposal for
IL-^JI -kbJJ l iui u-o tho rovision of tho tormu of tho
oil royalty which vmo transmitted
J * y- b v hf ^
to you in tho lottor of our Advisor,
in/'VV1 VVv-^A
Ur. 0. Dolrymplu Bulftrava, C..-3.K.,
• \ \ l\ j t 1
C» Jlo. OaO/au du tod BO til Doooiuhir 19*19.
Wo wish to oxpruuu our vary
•J—<}r O* 1 v O* J y-J b;l
groat ploaouro und jutiufnctlon ut
U.^1 dJ J; tt ^wll b
J 3 J —
tlio Company1 a action In ucuiidinis to
t—■* * 3 * f * 3J 1—r /J bjlj • Ult our request and wo look forwurd to
i—r ^1 c^) ux^ ./ji x_j 1 u continuation of tho friendly
relations which hovo uxiutod botwoon
*3 04 J---t l--- 1 J__tl J J-.,
U8 and tho Coiapuny for no many youro.
**>jJI ipt ^ bxJI 11>
lisuui ending.
Uulcmn bin U&iuad AlKhcilifwh,
SJiglxJl ju>* Cm ubi—