Page 135 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 135

Revision oj royalties                  123

     Xr* »* til               Vi sy-    Ho. CON-456.         12th April, 1950.

                    ^ 01*1“ /—H (jy-4Jl j*-   Illo JIlchnooB Gholkh fllr ISulman
                         * V* ’ V '«/         bln Hamad al Khallfah, K.C.I.K •)
                                        RULER OF BAHREIN.
                * Cn 3-----f ■ ^

      *      JJtj     -K>               After Qroetingoi
       «J. U.aJJ ^ fa. 1ft# ^l^sil j|I JjLsJIL ^yLI   Reference io mado to tho   proposal
     jU'il Jl# ^ -L/-UI JftlaJI i«fa, ri   of Your Highness for revision   of tho
                                         tor no of oil royalty provided   In tho
       -LXJ |            W*# ^           Lease Agreement between tho Ruler of
      ui Mri        11 ^ yji ijji        Bahrein and tho Bahrein Petroloum Company
                                         Limited, dated 29th December, 193% ao
  ^ tf,.DI J1        o, J-,1 VJJ| c\^\   onendod, vhlch proposal was transmitted
   u-J IT 1/T • fli vb£jl l , I          by Your Hlghnoos to tho Company in
                                         paragraphs 1 and 4 of lottor numbor
      *   /—jl jfulft#        u/* ir it  626-20 of 1369 to tho Company from Your
          cTj^1 ’   * <j>  ‘»/- vJ*</<s4  Highness' Advisor, Mr. C. Dalrymplo
                                         Boljjravo, C.B.E., dated 26th Docembor.
                       • mi        ti
     j *JUi c1/jyi              -ai           Your Richness has stated that tho
    ydl iJirtiJ    juJI 0*-^. ^Uju-, YUl  proposal contained in your Advisor's
                                         letter includes the minimum terms Your
          aAJ     y>,l»  o*   l,ltk **4~  Hichnoss will voluntarily accept.   The
    ^fa»lft* DIju^ ^uij Jl !•*«•*»   lu tfr-£lJ  Company has for many years on Joyed Your
                                         Richness1 friendship, and it deoiruo and
                                         will a sic for nothing that would impair
  LjIj 6tf v/JI JjlrUJl ^UxJI , l^UI «.UiUJI  tho ©xoollent relationship  and mutual
                                         understanding uhioh havo always cxlotod
             • tfjJJI, pluL# o« UU Jlj Y ,  botwoon Your Highnoso and tho Company.
         11^      Jb  My-i  llr.|             With this in mind, tho Company
    (  )  * ^ c-l^lUl ^    pfa*l* «.l»lyJl  hereby accopte Your Highness' prop  ocals
                                         as sot forth in paragraphs 1 and 4 of
         0« »n > h_I 1T1/T* ylifal o*    lottor No. 626-26 of 1369 from Your
                                         Highness' Advioor to tho Company dated
   • mi       n ^             J1 ^u
                                         26th December, 19^9.
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