Page 133 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 133

Revision of royalties                  121

                              No. CON-IAO,         2nd March. 1950-

                              IIIu Highness bhoikh Uir Gulmun
                                     bin Ilaroad al Khali fall, K.C.l'.L.,
                              nuusa OF MWIEIN.
                              After Greetingsi
                                         As Your Highness lo aware, the
                               Bahrein Petroleum Company hue been givlni
                               careful consideration to tho letter No,
                               626-20 of Your Highness1 Advisor. Hr. C.
                               Dalrymplo Belcrave, C.B.E., dated 26th
                               December,19^9, concerning rovlsion of the
                               rate of oil royalty provided under Articl
                               VII of tho Leaso Agreement dutod 29th
                               Decorator, 193*+» botween the Bulor of
                               Bahrein and the Bahrein Petroleum Company
                               That lettor and tho subject of royalty
                               ratos have boon under oxtonsivo discussic
                               with Mi*. Dolgrave.
                                    Glnco tho Gtatouont of Mr. U.H.
                               Pinckard duted 23rd March,19U9. which ua.',
                               delivered to Your Highness, conditions
                               throughout the vox*Id under which oil in.ot
                               be marketed luxvo dovelopod rapidly in the
                               direction feared, depressing prices and
                               seriously reducing tno aroa in which oil
                               products may be sold in free competition.
                               Rapid development of oil resources has
                               resulted in large ourplusos of oil in
                               many parts of tno world, which, combined
                               with post-war problems of national in­
                               debtedness, have rosultod in groat
                               proecuro upon all Governments, includin;
                               that of tho United Gtutos to reduce and
                               rostrict tho importation of oil.
                                    As diucuosions with Hi-, lie 1 grave li*iv
                               clearly shown, both Youi' Highnoos and Mi*
                               Bolgivivo rccognloo tho necessity of
                               establishing and retaining conditions the
                               will pox'init tho Iiahroin Petroleum
                               to bring oil from Your Highness' domains
                               into the raarkots of tho world in fair
                               competition with oil from other areas an<
                               free of burdono that would prevent the
                               salo of Iiahroin oil on equal terms with
                               other olio.    Uorld ourplusos and tho
                               rostrlctionu by Governments make this
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