Page 128 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 128

116                        Records of Bahrain


                         runuoutod from tho Buhruin l'otroloum Ooiupuny.     It ia
                          ovidont thoroforo that tho royalty of the vpitur off-
                          ehoro coneeuaion lu fur laoro furourublo thuu tho royalty
                          which iu now roipjoatod for Huliruin,   Aooording to pub-
                          lluliod reports tho terms of tho rooont oonoouulan in tho
                          Kuwuit houtral Zone aro oonolderably higher than tho

                          toriau for tho now ^wtur eonooaoion.    Qoia^pariuon botwoon
                          tho royalty proposed hero for Bahrain and tho torus of
                          other old oonooBBlons which have not yot oome up for
                          roviulon uro lrrelorunt.

                               •A.   Tho roviBod royalty rute of H« 10/-(ton rupooa)
                          per ton nhould remain offootivo for ton youre from
                          Junuury let, ltfbO, with tho provision that tho rato
                          ahull bo uubjoct to u furthor roviulon at any time dur­
                          ing tho first fivo yours of that poriod in tho ovont of
                           the total production of royalty oil^from tho udditionul

                          uruu, if oil in found thoro, dropping bolov/ u dully
                           uvorngo during any royulty period of £5,000 (twentyfivo -
                           thuuunnd) barrolu per day, uubjoct to tho cupacity of
                           known oil fioldu within Uuhruin to produoo thut quantity
                           under good oil field praotioo.

                                5.   In view of tho abort timo remaining boforo tho
                           revised royalty rute will oomo into offoot I havo atatod
                           lioro the minimum toruu which llio liighnosa la proparod to
                                                      I havo tho honour to be,

                                                       Your Obodiont Horrent,

                                                       Adviser to the Government.

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