Page 174 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 174

162                        Records of Bahrain

                                  * l *£-» I J l*i«V I j I j
                                          T '—J l/^w* J>>- r     Ho.C/L-20.       Political Agency,
                       •yri \ j/VI^ TT ^I^JI 1 10 .                                   Bahrain,
                                                          1 T                    12th January, I960.

                                                     o-    Jl    To
                                                                     His Highness Shaikh Sir Salmon
                         * l«f I *   . 4JL>JL^J I JU> ^ ^ l.l i-  j— c:   bin Homud A1 KhalJfnh, K.C.I.C.,
                                       Jl-Oi       JI^U                     Ruler ol* Bahrain.
                         f!r^'r. JJC  3 Cr* J 4-~*J I j   I jlaj  After Compliments:
                                              •cO—flsj tsBui            I have the honour to rofor to
                           fif   v ^ ^ I jvi • o 4   I           Your Highness1 lottor No.:.i67 of 6th
                                 Jy>-1 £,yJlriY                  January, 1950, on the subject of
                               yj J-JIy.        J--I        I    your order concerning tho Sltreh
                               J—— o—•                           Plor, the use of which was leased
                             Ja—»—U I 0.|j L-._Z* I J5”  - J-^O---- -  by Petroleum Concessions I.imited
                                  I L  J—       ‘   ^     Jl     from Your Highness,   1 am directed
                                         *---- - I—   r O-----   by His lixcollency the Political
                            Ji.             ------;#lj_XJ*l 0*L*  Resident to state that it is noted
                                      *</ 4 j—±->-j—J l v 4-------VI ^ l  that the only reasons for the pass­
                                            aU    ,-YJi ^        ing of Your highness' order forbid­
                                          J-ftyJIJLtf -..I       ding tho use of the pier to tho
                                   5.       uu                  Company are that on some occasions
                                                 ^      —i I    persons other than belonging to the

                                  4.                            Company were conveyed in the Com­
                                4X'                             pany's boats vlu Zckrit/Bltroh
                                4—si, 4—5^-j 1J L., j__r j# v j  route? and to state that the
                                                                Company are willing to reiterate
                                                                their previous undertaking that none
                                      ----------^: ^ * O —ft j
                             ;jb------1;—O-               All   other than persons belonging to
                            > ...k. ,:j4j * * o—1^—J* U-   A    them will be conveyed by this route.
                            o---11J—c >—' y—1| ^ I J*  Cr  Jl   In view of this, I am further dl-
                               uyi—U I o—4   ' L-f I—-»2 I J J—5 I O I  r*.cL. d to state thr.t It Is presumed
                                ——1 J' J O**"^ *2 tl~J J------  o'  that Your Highness will have no
                            cr4     jUB I     U—^ 5—ft, L-m     objection to rescinding your ordor
                               I—4*2—2) J  I  m".  1;__r  •Jl   forbidding the Company tho use of
                                                                their plor  nt fjitroh and I nm
                                      *0 'j tr*

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