Page 177 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 177
Use of Sittra pier by Petroleum Concessions Ltd 165
Translation of letter dated the 26th Rabi Awwal, 1369
(16,1,50), from II,H, the Ruler of Bahrain, to the
Political Agent, Bahrain.
After Compliments,
We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt
of your letter No.C.L, 20, dated the 22nd Rabi Awwal,
1369, replying to our letter of the 6th January, 1950*
regarding the ordor issued by us to the Petroleum
Concessions Ltd •» Bahrain, to bring their boats to the
established ports in Manaraah and Muharraq and not to use
Sltra Pier for their direct communications with Qatar
inasmuch as the Company []ad on many occasions violated
the terms of the Lease Agreemont by thoir carrying
persons other than belonging to the Company between
Zigrit and Sitra.
In view of your roquost on behalf of the Company
to allow them to continue thoir use of the pier as in the
past, we are at presont prepared to permit the U30 of
the port as before. But if the Company were to cause
anything that might necessitate our withdrawing this
permit, we would be compelled to issue our order forbiddii]
the use of the pier for their direct sea traffic with
Qatar. And should we in future issue a general ordor
banning all intercourses between Bahrain and Qatar, then
all sea traffic with Qatar must be stopped and the use
of Sitra pier and all other ports be forbidden.
Usual binding.