Page 182 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 182
170 Records oj Bahrain
(155/48/50) 18th August, 1950.
I am sorry for failing to reply to your letter No.
C/H-410 of the 2nd August before this, I put it uside
while I was getting correspondence for the bag ready over
the week-end and have not boon able to get round to it
since then.
2. 1 entirely agree that the matter of the oil company
having agreed to a customd duty of 5,625/5 on alcohol in
^atar should be taken up with the Shaikh and/or (according
to your discretion) the adviser on two grounds, I think,
vi z:
(1) Disregard of the provisions of the Treaty of 1916.
(2) Direct dealing by the Shaikh with the company
on a political matter. (This to some extent is the company's
fault, of course, and it 13 true that while they are speci
fically bound by the Political Agreement to conduct their
dealings with the Shaikh through ll.B.D's representative >
there is nothing which similarly binds the Shaikh, But as
: the breach of the Political Agreement is perhaps more often
i • occasioned by the Shaikh than by the company, I am certain
we should discourage him from dealing direct with them. At
■ the same time, you should inform the company that you are
taking the matter up, an-* the reasons for your doing so.)
R.McC. And rev/, Esq.,
Political Agent,