Page 180 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 180

168                         Records of Bahrain

                                     Extract or paragraph 4 of letter N0.C/TC-P6
                             of 18th Pobruary, 1W-0, Prom tlio Political agent,
                             Dalirit i n,   l.o the Pol II. I fjil Off.1 our, Trucinl Const,

                             d.      As regards (TO > could you lot mo know whether
                             Dubai has ever comp!uinod that t.Vio Oil Co 1:1 puny
                             have not drilled in Ills territory or whether
                             we have any grounds in your opinion for suggest­
                              ing that they should?    You will note, what I can
                              only rofer to as tin* remark a hi o nerve of the J.P.C.,
                              in asking us to help them in what seems to he
                              a purely commerc ial mu I.ter at l he moment while they
                              so often refuse to co-operate when their activities
                              impinge on pol1 tics.
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