Page 179 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 179
Use of Sittra pier by Petroleum Concessions Ltd 167
Copy of .'.n extract of letter lio.P?r>-0fi?8
o(* ?&th February, .I960, from the Political Officer,
Trucia1 Coast., Cliar.ish, to the Political Agent,
xxx xxx
3. As record?} (3), all the Shaikhs have, at.
one time or another, spoken to o about the fact
that Petroleum Concessions Limited have not
drilled in their territories, but I have not
received any official or specific complaint from
Dubai. .T do believe that it would probably to
everyones advantage If drill Jng were started there j
but that is a vastly different thing from trying
to get a letter from the Political Resident merely
to use as a weapon at some future T.P.C, Hoard
meet Iug. T thoroughly agree with the views ex-
pressed 1 ri the last sentence of your letter under
u r. = = =