Page 187 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 187

Budgetary affairs                     175

                                          No. 472-5.
                             British Residency & Consulato-GGnoral,
                                 Bushire, the 1st June 1943.

                Tho Hon'ble Lieut.-Colonel C.G.Prior, C.I.E.,
                    Political Residont in tho Porsian Gulf,
                Tho Secretary to the Government of India
                      in the Extornal Affairs Department,
                                          NEW DELHI.
                     I havo the honour to forward for the information
            of the Government of India a copy of the Bahrain State
            Budget for the year 1362.
                 2.   Although the rocoipts from royalty on oil during
            the year 1361 (a third of which is normally credited to
            the Reserve Fund) amounted to Fs. 26,21,412/6/0, only
                  688/l3/fo/woa added to the Rosorvo Fund during the
            Fa. 62,
            your    I reproduce below an extract from a noto^Ey tne
            Advisor giving reasons for thi3 comparatively small
                    "In tho Budget for 1361 I estimated that tho
                 total expenditure under Budget headings would amount
                 to Ka. 37,00,000/-. This included a contribution
                 of Fa. 9.80,000/- to tho Reserve Fund.
                     During tho year abnormal expenditure, not
                 anticipated in the Budgot, was made amounting to
                 Fs. 10,04,000/-. Of this amount Fs. 1,00,000/-
                 wns the refund of tho Depreciation on the Electric
                 Department Reserve Fund from the Consolidated Fund
                 into the Electricity Account, Fa. 1,31,634/- was
                 paid to the Manamah and Moharraq Municipalities
                 being tho cost of buying their shares in the
                 Elootric Undertaking and Fs. 7,73,000/- was the
                 amount spent upon food supplies v/hioh were held by
                 the Government at tho end of tho year."
                 3. •  During the first quarter of 1362 a sura of 6

             lakhs was investod in Govornmont of India Stock and addod
             to tho Roservo Fund.   I am surprised that it was not
             possible ^'anticipate" such an item as Fs. 1,00,000/-
             for refund of doprooiation.   This appears., Moreover,
             to bo  a book transaction, and I will mako further inquiries
             regarding it on my next visit to Bahrain.

                                                              / A.
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