Page 190 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 190

178                        Records of Bahrain

                                                      BUPGiCT    1302

                           1.    Allovmuoos to tlio Ruling Foullyi-
                                   a.  ono third of oil royalty        i.'i.  0,00,000.
                                    b.  Civil List, monthly Allowunooa     4,20,000.
                                    o« PenBlono                               5,000.  12,91,000.
                           £.    Administrations, Government Departmentn
                                    a.  Advlueruto.                          00,000.
                                    b.  Customs uzid Food Control          1,14,000.
                                    o. Law Courto, VYokfa & Minors Oopt      70.000.
                                    d. Public v/orka Department              49.000.
                                    o. Land Department                       40.000.
                                    f.  Oil Gauging                          13.000.
                                    g.  Transport                            20.000.
                                    h.  Paosport Department                   9,000.   4,01,000.
                            3.   Eduoution.
                                    a.  Boys* Sohoola                      1,44,000.
                                    b.  Technical School                     65,400.
                                    o. Girls' Softools                       30,000.    2,60,000.
                            4.   rublio Health
                                    a.  Hospitals, Dispenuarios and stuff  2.73,000.
                                    b.  Anti-Valorla                         30,0UU•
                                    o. Cjuaruiitino                          15.000.   3,18,000.
                            5.   Defcuco and Protection
                                    a.  Otuto Pollen                       3,19,700.
                                    b.  Special Polloa                       01,000.
                                    o. Nature                                58,300.
                                    d. Fire Servioos                          4,000.
                                    o. Now Equipment and Unit1onus           60.000.    5,28,000.
                            0.   Grouts to Municipalities, Moharraq, Manama
                                                and Hodd                                  51.000.
                            7.   Agriculture                                              25.000.
                            8.   Depurtmoniul &cponaoe.........................          15.000.
                            9.   Upkeep of Hoads & Government Buildingu     • •  • •      30.000.

                           10.   Contribution for Belief of tho Poor                      35.0. 00.
                           11.   Shaikh llama<1 Bridge ••    ..                           12.000.
                           12.   Publlo /forks, Mow Buildings                            60,000.
                           13.   Unforeseen Expenditure                                   15,000.
                           14.   For Investment in Ho serve Fund  • •  • •  •«   . •   6,10.000.
                                                   Totul Estimated Expenditure        36,57,000.
                                 Suapeaoo Account
                           10.   For Furohase of Food Supplies                         7.73.00Q.
                                                                   Orund Total Ua.    44,30,000.

                                                                   Soalod - Salmon bin Haimd
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