Page 193 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 193
Budgetary affairs 181
j (tU* e(Jjtv c \ 'tV-CU \ it' A< <,,'(r uv •A v iL ( A r'iot'\ (,\ to
As w, ^ •«'* ^ J CjfS&'s ( 6 6 C •' t * (■ l
1360 1361 13G2
Oil Royalty... 25,50,000 26,00,000 26,00,000
Customs 6.75.000 7,00,000 6,10,000
Interest of Reserve 2.35.000 2,62,000 2.50.000
Other Roceipta & Taxes 1.04.000 1,38,000 1.97.000
Suspense Account
Procoetls from sales of
Foodstuffs 7,73,000
35,64,000 37,00,000 44,30,000
1360 1361 1362
Rhlinfc Family 12,90,000 12,92,000 12,91,000
Administration 3,38,800 3.34.000 4.01.000
Public Health 2,52,200 2.64.000 3.18.000
Public Protection 4,15,000 4,00,000 5.28.000
Education 1.32.300 2.40.000 2.60.000
Public Works 3.86.300 69.000 90.000
Municipalities 60,400 61.000 51.000
Unforeseen,Agriculture etc 80,000 60,000 67.000
To Reserve Fund 6,09,000 9,80,000 *6,16,000
Poor Relief 35,000
Suspense Account
For purchase of
Food supplies 7,73,000
36,64,000 . 37,00,000 44,30,000
The estimate of future oil revenue is based upon
vr:\ions act
previous actuals and upon discussion with the staff of the
Bahrain Petroleum Company who afford some information of
expected output.
Owing to the uncertainties of trade duo to war I have
during the last three years assumed that customs duty would
In 1361 pearling licenses were reduced by half
nnd in 1362 thoy were suspended.