Page 195 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 195

                                   Budgetary affairs

        Rullnr Family. Oil Royalty.
            This payment is dependent upon the amount of oil royalty.

        His Highness The Shaikh received l/3rd of the royalty payment.

        Civil List.
            In 1360 and 1361 certain pensions paid to non mombors of fche
        Ruling Family wore included in the Civil List,   Those paymmnts
        were shown separately in 1362.

            The cost of Administration in 1360 was about Rs.25,000/-
        Owing to increasing costs I allowed approximately the same amount.
        loss than tho allocated umountZfor the following year. During
        the current year I have anticipated additional expenditure under
        this heading of approximately Rs-67,000/- owing to War Allowances,
        high co3t of transport fares, stationery etc. und the maintenance

        of tho Food Department which in a new branch of the Customs

        Public Health.
            Estimates of expenditure on Public Health for 1360 and 1361
        differed by Rs. 12,000/-.   In 1362 I allowed an additional
        fc. 54,000/- to cover the very great rise in the cost of food , drg
        drugs, medical stores etc,   This allocation includes the costs of
         the two European service wards from Y/hich it is expected revenue
        amounting to about Rs. 50,000/- will be received.

         Public Protection.

            The cd>st of public protection in 1360 was over estimated by
        Rs.26,000/-. In 1361 I anticipated tii t expenditure u(\der this
         heading would not exceed Rs.4,00,000/-.   Tho actual amount spent
         was Rs. 4,31,000/-.  Tho extra cost of publie protection was due                   |
         to highor cost of rations for State forces and prisoners, tho war
         allowance paid to tho Natur forcos and tho onhanced cost of
         clothing and equipment.  Tho Budget for 1362 includes under this
         beading Rs;. 65,000/- for new equipment and uniforms of which only
         n P°ptlon.i*in likely to bo spent during the yeaii.
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