Page 196 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 196
184 Records of Bahrain
In 1360 Rs.1,32,000/- wu3 provided for Education, the
actual expenditure was Rs.1,57,000/-. During this year the
Secondary School was increased in size and the hostel for
students was enlarged. In 1361 the sum allocated to Education
was Rs.2,40,000/- of which Rs.2,24,000/- was $peiv6v Provision
was made in the Budget for Rs.35,000/- wprth of tools and
equipment for the Technical School which expanded considerably
•luring the year and also for Rs.18,000/- worth of furniture
and equipment for Boys and Girls' Schools to provide accorao-
dation for the increasing numbors of pupils, Both the Second-
ary School and Hostel were moved to larger buildings and
several village schools were enlarged. Tor the current yoar
Rs.2,GO,000/- has been proveded for Education to cover war
allowances, increased costs of school books and materials used
in the schools and for Technical training.
Public Works.
In 1360 Rs.20,000/- was assigned to maintenance of
roads and buildings and Rs.3,66,000/- for certain new works
including Shaikh Hamad Bridge, hospital buildings and new
married lines at the Fort. In the following two yeqrs owing
to cost of building and the fact that the Public Works De
partment was mainly occupied with work for the Royal Air
Force no important public works were contemplated.
Tlie remaining items of expenditure in the Budget such
as Municipal Grants, Unforeseen, Contribution to Reserve Fund
and Poor Relief do not appear iw rsqui o any explanation.