Page 201 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 201

Budgetary affairs                     189

             6. Poor nallgf.    Itom No.10 undor "Kxpandituro" in
       tho Budget lo inoorr^otly vtordod| for no contribution la mode
       for tho raliof of tho poor but tho Bahrain (Jovornmont do in
       foot diotributo food to poor pooplo nnd funds are found from
       this budgot hand,   Thoro nro voriouo othor poor raliof
       oohomoo in being in tho Islands but I nm nssurad that thlo
       la puroly a Qovornmont aonauro end although tho municipolity
       assists in tha distribution of tho roliof thoy hnva no respon­
       sibility for tha roliof.   Tha hooding should bo "Kmarganay War

       Poor Hollaf1’ to muka it ulonr that tho aaasura lo puroly a
       vrur mououra.

       Bahrain| 24th November 1043*       Political Agont, Bahrain.
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