Page 202 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 202
II 190 Records oj Bahrain
No•C/525* Politico.. Agency,
k °y Bahrain, tho 23rd March 1944*
From “\
Me jor T. Hicklnbotham,C.I»Fi., O.B.1S.
Political Agent, Bahrain, | bus'. ,.,P'r ny:.,!?!IS2L.|
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The IIon*blo the Political Resident ‘ co..;-.o. • * -• -•l
in tho Persian Gulf,
I have the honour to enclose copies of j-
(a) The Bahrain Government Budget estimates for the year
(b) An explanatory note on tho budget by the Advisor to
the Bahrain Government.
(c) A further note on the budget figures by the Adviser
v.-hich v:a8 compiled at my request.
2. General
Conservative officials when budgetting hove a tendency
to under estimate revenue figures and to over estimate expendi
ture figures. Provided this tondoncy is kept within reasonable
limits no harm is done but when the difference between antici-
patod expenditure and revenue and actual expenditure and rovonuo
is great one of the principal objects of a budget is defeated.
In my opinion tho Adviser, who is responsible for tho
preparation of the Bahrain State Budget, has boon too cautiouo
in his budget for 1363 and tho revenue figures are not a rcoaon-
ablo forecast of v/hat can bo oxpoctod from the various sources
of revenue from which tho Stato obtains it3 money, On tho
expenditure side a false improssion of tho amount required to
run the State Departments is given by including projects in
the budgot which it is almost certain will never bo carriod out,
in some casoa owing to tho impossibility of obtaining materials
and in some casos owing to tho difficulty of obtaining skilled