Page 204 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 204
192 Records oj Bahrain
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deteriorate during the coining' year and that the judges will
thus have the opportunity to maintain their high 3tnndnrd of
(c) School fens, item 6 (b) of the budget, are shown as
being only Rs.4,300 during the year v.'hile the expenditure on
education is Pj,2,64,000. Those school foes are the only
contribution towards non-technical education paid by the people
of Bahrain.
4. Expenditure
There is of course a general rise in expenditure which
the Advisor has in my opinion rightly ascribed to increases in
war allowances and other causes brought about by the unsettled
state of the world in general. I find little to criticise
outside the State Engineer's Department but I think it right
to drat/ attention to the amount which tho Bahrain Government
is paying for tho Special Police. The rolo of tho Spe cial
Police has been described in the Advisor's note which forms
an enclosure to this letter but he has in no v/ay stressed tho
fact that they should be considered at least in part as a
contribution towards tho coot of tho war by tho Government of
Bahrain. It is true that they are employed in safeguarding
tho principal source of tho State's revenue. It is equally
true that oil is of vital importance and that if Ilis Highness
had taken the line that ho was in no way responsible for tho
war and that the liability for the guarding of tho Hof incry and
Gil Field should therefore devolve on His Majesty's Government
we should have been faced with tho unpleasant duty of oither
forcing tho Shaikh to moetiae this expenditure or meeting it
ourselvos. I think it fair to consider at loast half of this
expenditure as a contribution from the Bahrain Government to
Ilis Majesty's Government for tho prosecution of tho war.
5. State Engineer's Department.
Ca) I still do not understand why tho Shaikh Hamad Bridge