Page 247 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 247
Budgetary affairs 235
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Oil Gauger. The Advioor uuid thut tho Stato Engineer
could opond any oura in hio budget, but X wo not very
oleur regarding the degree of hio control over the other
engineoro Rnd the proposed Oil Gauger. Ur. Belgrave
aoomod to take tho view that tho Oil Gauger's appointment
would bo completely separate, but I pointed out that it was
euuontially an engineering Job and that in tho pact tho
State had hud to uae the Stato Engineer for this duty*
and that they would almost oortainly have to do oo again.
I gavo it ao my view that what the Stuto requirod was an
able and highly qualified engineer who would control all
tho engineering works in tho £tuto as Chief Englnocr.
I romarkod on tho difficulty that was always experienced
in combining elootrioal und mechanical work with building
and roado, but said that a ainglo engineering department
was obviously deoirable. I was not very clear what the
qualif ioations of the now engineer were but understood
Ur. Belgrave to say that his work would be moro on tho
lines of roads and buildings, I drew attention to the
fuot that he had been engaged without referenoa to us,
a point which is being dealt with later on in this noto.
I suggested that somo standardisation of the electrical
plant might be possible bo that spares would be inter
changeable, and Ur. Bolgrave described the existing plant
and Baid that the point would bo borne In mind in the
future. I mentioned that the condition of tho roads
wao disgraceful and that so woalthy aBtato oould and
should improve them. Mr. Bolgrave agreed with this and
said that he hoped something would now bo done, He mon-
tlonod thut new motor vchoiles had boon ordored and said
that they were awaiting tho arrival of the consulting
engineoro to oonclude tho water supply agreement, I drew
hio attention to the agreement with their supply agents
in England, which I observed had been oonoludod without
rcfcrcnco to uo, und drew attention to tho serious dofoots
in it.
I pointed out the advantages of getting a man from
tho Britioh Council to run oduoution in Bahrain and said
I would make a final attempt to get one from them, If
this failed then tho Bahrain Government would have to make
their own arrangements, In any case there wao little
object in anyone coming out now as the school terra had not
much longer to run. Tiio disadvantage of a large numbor of
boys being e duoatod in Egypt wuo discussed and this'point
iu otill under consideration. I suid that it was essential
that the technioul school must be run by BAPCO and urged
that an early opportunity bo taken to inolude this obligatior
in the Concession. Colonel Gallowuy said that this matter
was before tho Directors of the Company and it was agreed
that they should be prcBoed to undertake this function.
I inquired the finunoiul poworo of the Direotor
and Ur. Bolgrave explained that he was empowered to spend
any sums inoludod in his budget. I inquired vhether \ i
thero was any plan of reorganisation of tho pi or or tho
possibility of having a bonded warehouse. Ur. Bolgrave
replied that there wan proposal to fill in thd do ok
nnr.wAtvn th« **
1 P0 Ruo°kion of having bonded warehouse had not been
considered. I drew attention to the faot that Ran Tanura
was now being put on tho alow mull run and said that 1
isarod thin would divort a good deal of trade from Bahrain
wnioh oould probably bo rotuinod if a bonded wurohouoe
°yo tom wa0 introduced as morobanto would then bo able to
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