Page 246 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 246
234 Records of Bahrain
at Bahrain on igth march 1946.
I began by pointing out that the aotuula for
1362, 1363 and 1364 boro little connection with tho facto
and Bhowod that the budget wuo almost worthleoo ao an
aoourate guido to tho finanoial evento in tho Stato.
The QurpluooB owing to under expenditure and undor-oo timatod
rcTenue were over 7 lakho in 1362, ovor 19 lakho in 1363
and although tho aotualo of expenditure were not given for
1364 it io dear that thoro muut have been a oaving of
ovor 13 lakho owing to tho greatly enhanced rovenuo rooolved.
Mr. Belgrave oaid that thio wub duo to tho exoeau receipts
of ouotomo revonue and otated that it wao diffioult to
eotimato thio aoouratoly in advanoe* I Inquired why he
had estimated for a drop in 1364 when it wao quite obviouo
that the war would be going on for oomo time and that there
who little ohonoe of a drop in priooo. I oould not follow
Mr. Belgrave'o reply to thio. I pointed out that tho
original plan of saving 14 - 15 lakho a year wao now oboolete
as the life of the oilfield wao obviouoly ooouro for some
time to oomo o inoe the Oil Company wore opending a great
deal of money in inotailing frooh plant. I added that bo
far ao I wao aware, the 11 fo of the field wao eotimatod at
between, at tho minimum, another 15 yearo, and poooibly
ua muoh ao 50 yearo. Mr. Belgrave did not appear to be
aware o f thio. I drew hio attention to tho faot that the
remark in hio report two yearo ago that people were dying
of aturvation in villagoo reud oddly whon one roflooted
that the State had at that time over half a million poundo
in the bank. Mr. Bolgrave Buid that thio wao really duo
to tho fact that thooo people wore upoot by the change of
diet neceooitated by the ceooation of rloo oupplioo. I
drow hio attention to the faot that tho word he had uood
wao "oturvation" . Mr. Belgrave volunteorod tho otutemont
that when the capital ounk in food supplies wao realiood
the aotual balance of the State would bo over a million
poundo. I Bald that thio gave point to my view Uwt
oome capital expenditure in the State wao Justified and
added that I felt certain ho would have to faoo riolng
oppooition from tho publio if nothing wuo dono in the very
near future.
I drew Mr. Belgravo'B attontion to the ranark in
hio report that the otaff had been leaving for India owing
to inadequate puy • Mr. Bolgrave agroed that tho State
oould well of fold to pay ao good wagoo ao tho Government
of India, and oaid that tho position wuo now quite oatio-
fuctory ao tho otaff wore contentod with thoir preoent
termu. ,1 inquired the State Medical Offiocr'o financial
powers, and Mr. Belgrave oaid that he wao allowod to opend
any amounts in hio budget. Mr. Belgrave mentioned that
there wao a 9-bod hospital for voraon in Muhajrraq with a
lady Doctor whioh wao always full, and addod that there
wao a raen'o out-patient hospital thoro ao well. He agrood
that Dr. Snow should bo aokod for hio viewo ao to future
modioul polioy in tho State.
I inquired tho State Engineer's finanoial powers
and degree of control over tho other*, engine era and the
/ Oil .. •