Page 244 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 244

232                       Records of Bahrain

                                                                PiFKXaa auir Residency,
                              Ho* 505-0*                                Bush ire,
                                                                     tho 20th April 1940 •
                                        W»i Hon'ble Sir Ueofrrey irior, K*U*I.B*t
                                            Political Resident, Persian Oulf,
                                        tf'.Q 0«oratory to the Government of Ind la
                                            in the axteroal Affairs Department,
                                                                 TTKir Piaia.
                              air,                                    \  •V  4
                                        I have the honour to enaVfSse for the information
                              of the aoTanuMnt of India a lsttsr from the Polities! Agent,
                              Bahrain, regardl i** the Bahrain State J)ud;-;ot hiLh which I   y
                              arc in gniiurui agreement* The proposals therein hare been \\
                              dieoueaed with me at various time.                      \je''
                                   2*   When ths qugotion of a financial policy first
                              dlsousued by ray preueoeewor in his deal-offlolal letter
                              Ho. 083-8 dated the 22nd December 1P37 it \v»n oulaulnted
                              that the JiuJji’ciii oil field might be exhausted in 15 years*
                              Right years have now passed and since groat, development is
                              still taking plnuo 1 feel th** we uxy certainly count on a
                              longer life than was originally estimated and that a less
                              ooneervuxivt fiuuuui*! policy should be adopted, more espeolally
                              as the reserve of the Otate now exoeedu 100 lakhs*

                                   5*   I regret that cy other prcocoupaUon* prevent me
                              from giving the attention to Bahrain affairs that Z should
                              wish, but it hae become clear to me that, the altitude of the
                              Financial Adviser, Mr* belgrure, to *ty new proposal is unduly
                              o&utlous* He is still* to uxy mind, guided by his recollection
                              of his early years in Bahrain when the most rigid coonosy
                              was essential and he has failed to adapt himself to the era
                              of abounding prosperity in whioh he now finds himself*    I
                              wae surprlsed to find, for example, that rrhen the last heavy
                              rains occurred in liohxuiu all the roads of the Capital be Cars e
                              Impassable, and still more surprised. to see in hie own annual
                              report that persons Uxd died of starvation in a State with
                              near a half a million podnds in the tank*
                                   4# I reoommaid, therefore, that the Political Agent •«
                              recommend at ions should be accepted in principle, and that ha
                              ihould be requested to Initiate a more forward policy in the
                              Bahrain Jtate* ainoe the actual details will depeni to sobs
                              extent upon the materials available and the praeenoe or other-
                              vise in Bahrain of the vluandal Adviser and the Director of
                              Customs a considerable degree of flexibility will be neoeeeory*

                                                       1 have the honour to hep
                                                      Your most obedient servant,

                                                         Sd. 0I5OVTOTY PRIOK.
                                                     lolilloal Keslcent, Persian Gulf •

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