Page 239 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 239

Budgetary affairs                    227

                Modloul roooipts aro leas owing to tho dosing
           of tho oervloo wards in tho Govornmont Hospital, tho
           largo ward Is now usod for IGuropeun olvilian patients.
                Court foea and flnoa uro decreasing beouuae there

           is less smuggling und fowor onooo undor tho prioo
           control regulations, this la duo to moro plontlful
           ouppliou of^jfoods entering Bahrain and tho neighbouring
                Bridge tolls oro expootod to fall with tho
           reduction in tho nuuibor of military vehiolea.

                Tho surplus of rovonuo ovor expenditure is
           actinia tod at 10 lakhs.
                Apart from tho Electric scheme, which is shown

           separately, almost tho whole of thio expenditure ia
           roourrent expenditure upon tho Civil List, Adminlst-
           ration und Public Services.   A sum of 2 and l/3rd lakhs
           has boon uliowdd for now publio worko and two lakhs
           hao boon ullooatod to new transport.
                Tho Civil List remains stationary, as it has for
           many yoars, tho proportion of tho oil royalty which is

           paid to tho Rular is 10 lakhs, a considerable portion
           of thlu sum is oxpondod by His Highness in paying oo3t
           of living allowance3 and additional allowances to tho
           numerous Khalifah rolatlons who depend entirely upon
           him for support.

                Tho expenditure on Gtuto Departments is higher
           than last your an tho allotment Cor tho oustoms inoludoo
           provision for the purchase of now tarpaulins for oovoring
           ourgo on tho pier.
                 Judioiul Depnrtruonto show a small inoroaao duo to
            tho appolntmont of a third 3hla Kadi and additional staff.

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