Page 235 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 235


                                   Budgetary affairs                     223

           policy of tho ytato, viow3 which I regret to 3ay are not
           In uccord with tho prosont practico of the Bahrain Govorn-
           mont.   "ForwurU" should bo tho watch word of tho admlnls-
           tration and n policy designed to prepare the way for post­
           war dovolopmont must bo introducod forthwith, plans must
           be thought out, advanced orders plaood for essential mate­
           rials, and provision for an adequate stuff made so that no
           time will bo lost in putting into execution at the earliest
           possible moment the muny works tho lack of which has doluyed
            tho development of those islands.
                  The Bahrain Government should take immodluto steps
           to obtain the services of u qualified European Engineer
           for the public works nopurtmont and having obtained such
           a person ho should bo required to prepare with tho aid
           of an adequate 3tuff accurate town plans of Manama und of
           Kuharraq with a view to wonting out an improvement schomo
            to include tho widening of tho presont narrow thorough­
           fares, tho provision of proper communication linos through
           the town, and the preservation of likely business and
           residential arous for the purpose for which they are bost
           suitod. He should also undertake tho adequate und imme­
           diate ropair of all the roads for the upkeep of which tho
           Uuhrain petroleum company are not responsible, and as
           materials become available tho reconstruction of tho
           public offices, murkets, und lavatories. i’ho possibility
           of introducing a water borne sewage systom should be
            investigated und if practicable incroduced as and when
           funds can be allotted and materials procured.
           7.      The Electrical Engineer is over-worked and required
            to do various tu3ks which should never huve been allotted
            to him. An assistant should bo obtained as soon as possible
           and should, in my opinion, be a young man who would be pre­
            pared to work for two years as assistant with u view to
            taking over as Electrical Engineer for a further period of
            two years after which his contract should be terminated
            and tho then assistant promotod in his turn, l.'ot only is
            an assistant engineer required but also an adequate staff
            of mechanics, fitters, air-conditioning exports, and
            garage hunds for ut present the power house und installa­
            tions are ludicrously understaffed and as far us I am
            aware no attempt has been mudo to recruit suitable per­
            sonnel nor nu3 any budget provision been made for such a
            purpose. rhe future will see a tremendous demand for
            air-conditioning and if the Dahruin Government do not
            produce an officient and adequate supply of oloctric
            power und lighting current they will find that private
            enterprises will import their own units, rho present
            power plant is antiquated and inadequate and the new
            oloctrical onginoor should be required to carry out a survey
            immediately of tho power plunt ana electrical equipment and
            he should bo instructed to make recommendations for a new
            plant dosignod to meet future demands for electric current
            for lighting and energy and also for a reasonable generating
            reserve to enable propor servicing to do carried out. Once
            the survoy has been completed a firm of consulting Engineers
            should be aoked to give their views on what machinery should
            bo Installed and advice on to what manufacturers should be
            Kivon the contruet for tho provision of and installation of
            cno equipment. The Consulting Engineers thorasolveo would,
            no doubt, provide a skilled onglnoer to watch the Interests
            01* Bahrain Government during tho erection of the plant.

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