Page 233 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 233

                                    Budgetary affairs

             has budgetod for a daareaso in customs receipts amounting
             to approximately Rs. 4,80,000 on the grounds that it
             probablo that the prico of commodities will fall during
             tho prosent year with a corresponding reduction in the
             amount of tax recoverable, and bocauso certain payments
             Y/ore recoivod in 1363 for goods which wero in fact im­
             ported in 1362. Although it Is not possible to Judge
             tho effect of this last item, as the figures have not
             been disclosed, it is probable that there will bo a
             falling off in revonue during the present yoar and tho
             Adviser Is probably correctly cautious.   I cannot agree
             that a reduction of Rs. 23.550 in tho receipts from
             '•Land Revenue" is reasonable. I should havo boon
             lnclinod myself to havo ostlmated for ut least as much
             as was recoivod in 1363 especially in view of tho Air
             developments which aro known to tho Adviser und to mysolf.
             Tho small reduction in the "Educational" recoipts is not
             in the least Justified for with an increase in educational
             facilities in Bahrain, in particular on tho female side,
             tho Adviser should expect to receive an increased return
             for the outlay and the budget estimate for 1364 should
             bo greater than the actuals for 1363.
                    I consider the large reduction in the estimate
             for this year coraparod with the actuals for last year
             under "Vehicle Taxes and Driving Licences" is not
             justified for the indications are that tho activities
             of the oil Company will bo continued and that as soon
             as the construction work of tho refinery has ceased
             the export of some 50,000 tons of surplus coke will be
             embarked upon and thus all available transport v/ill be
             employed. Nor is there any reason to suppose that new
             Bahrain passports will not be issued ’during the present
             year with a consoquont decrease in tho incomo from
             "Passport Receipts'’.  "judicial Receipts" have been
             reduced by a considerable amount without, in ray opinion,
             adequate roason, for it is impossible to forecast what
             civil suits will be instituted and estimates should
             normally be bused on averages for previous years nor
             Is it wise to indulge in the annual wish that every
             body will be bettor bohaved in tho new year and therefore
             the magistrates will not have to inflict such heavy fines
             as they did in the old year. Jhore would be more chance
             of this dream coming true if tho Judiciary would inflict
             larger and more adequate fines than is their present
                    It is true that the question of "Bridge Tolls" is
            under consideration but even if the proposal for a fixed
            monthly contribution put forward by the Royal Air Force
             is accepted by the Bahrain Government it is possible that
       Lm    there will be no diminution in tho receipts. In fact if
             tho prosent system of charges is reasonable,/such is the
            contention of tho Bahrain Government, then there should
             be no reason to anticlpato a fall in revenue.
            4.     On tho "Expenditure" side I have no comments to
            make on tho allowances t0 the Ruling Family and I con­
             sider that an incroase in the stuff of tho customs
            I%nI)QT5morit *s ^onB over duo, but I am puzzled by the
            considerable increase in the forecast for tho "Land
             uopartraent" which is not explained by the Adviser and
             in view of the anticipated reduction in revenue from
             this source seems scarcely Justifiable. There is also
            no explanation for the additional grants in the first
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