Page 234 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 234

222                         Records of Bahrain

                                three Items under the heading "judicial" and for the
                                Rs. 15,000 increase in the cost of the Technical School.
                                This last itom is tho more difficult to follow if  ono
                                has boon privileged to road tho superintendent's annual
                                roport for 1944 in which ho endeavours to oxplain a
                                fulling off of nearly 50% in tho number of students
                                attending tho institution. Nor is there any explanation
                                for tho increase in tho expenditure on tho hostel under
                                "Education", and tho docreaso in tho amount which it is
                                lntondod shull bo spent on expansion and higher education.
                                       Tho public 'yorks Department lias boon granted an
                                additional amount of Rs. 43,000 over the uctuul expenditure
                                for tho previous year, but nevertheless I am of tho opinion
                                that this Department is boing starved. The roads in Manama
                                and Muharraq are in a shocking condition ana at laast
                                Rs. 1,00,000 should be spent immediately on their improve­
                                ment before they become so bad that the cost of repairs
                                will be oven more costly. The roud across tho Shaikh
                                Hamad Bridge and Causeway is in a disgracoful condition
                                in spite of tho fact that a sum of no less than Rs. 66,000
                                was obtained last year from tolls levied on this road. I
                                should be surprised to learn that the 'Bahrain Qovoriiment
                                had spent as much as Rs. 5,000 on tho upkeep of this road
                                during tho past twelve months. Many of the Government
                                buildings are in a sorry state and I feol that budget
                                provision should have been made for the purchuso of materials
                                should they become available during tho present financial
                                year. There is ample paint available in tho towns but no
                                attempt is made to apply it to the sun blistorod wood of
                                the public offices or to repaint the road signs which
    ;                           are no longer decypherablo.
                                       I note that the contributions by the Government
                                to the two municipalities of Manamah and f.fuharraq have
                                been increased by Rs. 12,000, but there is no indication
                                in the Adviser's note of the purpose of this grant or
                                of why the incroase ha3 now become Justifiable, nor is
                                there any indication of why tho "Unforeseen" should
                                leap from Rs. 3,000 last year to Rs. 10,000 this year.
                                5.     The Electricity Department is budgeting to 3ave
                                Rs. 27,500 on the present year's working, but there is
                                no indication that any budget provision has been made by
                                this department for the cost of the new generating engine
                                which it is expected will arrive from the United Kingdom
                                during the next two or three months, provision does not
                                appeur to have been made for the very extensive renewal
                                and replacement of machinery, appliances, ana installation
                                equipment Which is long over duo. I note that the
                                "Telephone" section is still being run at a considerable
                                loss in spite of tho suggestions which were made to the
                                Bahrain Government on their budget last yoar. 1 suppose
                                that in view of the inefficiency of tho present system
                                and tho general und Justified dissatisfaction of tho
                                public the time was not considered opportune to increase
                                charges for this service. It would seem from the loss
                                under "Air-conditioning" that tho general public aro
                                still expected to contributo indiroctly to tho comfort
                                of a few selected officials of tho Rahruin Government.

                                6.     I am taking this opportunity to put forward my
                                views on what j consiuer Should bo the present and future
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