Page 237 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 237
Budgetary affairs 225
10. Lastly x hold tho vlev/ that tho Bahrain Govornmont
should give tholr early consideration to tho construction
of an up-to-date and commodious hotel. There 13 no doubt
thut for many years to come Bahrain will be a centre for
air travel. The introduction of adoquate facilities for
travellers is long over duo, ana i believo that the British
Overseas Airways corporation would consider favourably any
reasonable suggestion mudo to them by tho Bahrain Govern
ment either that they should undertake a proportion of tho
construction cost or that they should enter into an agree
ment to manage a hotel to bo erectod by tho Bahrain Govern
ment. possibly they would prefer to guarantee an annual
subvention on the Bahrain Government agreeing to rosorve
a percentage of tho accommodation for their passengers
I have tho honour to be,
your most obedient servant,
a political Agent, Bahrain.
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