Page 240 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 240

228                        Records of Bahrain
                                       Eduoution has rinoxi from 4V; lukhs to Gy lakhs,  Tho
                                 aum of 1 lakh huu boon nliooatod for the oost of the

                                 Bahruin boyo who uro studying in Cairo and provioion has
                                 boon made for soma expansion in the existing sohools.
                                       flixpondlturo on public health hao lxioroased from
                                 4fi lakhs to 5 lakhs.

                                       rublio Protection now oouto tho State almost 8 lakhs
                                 of whioh half a lakh io tno estimated oont of tho now
                                 British Polioo.   Tho Special Police woro disbanded but
                                 a number of thorn were enlisted in tho State Polioo which
                                 io now over strength.    During the year a cortnin pro­
                                 portion of tho rolioo will come to tho ond of the period

                                 for whioh they onlistod and it was thoroforo desirable
                                  to take on mon from tho 3pooinl Police some of whom will
                                  take the place of retiring State police.
                                       No provision has boon made for tho Manama town
                                 water aupply scheme. Tho tender for this work has not

                                  yet boon reooived and it is improbuble that payment
                                 would bo juudo during 13CS though it is hoped that tho
                                  work will oommonoo during the sooond half of tho year.
                                       Tho Oovorumont is endeavouring to obtain a quantity

                                  of building materials and p.W.D. requirements from
                                  England, in some oases tho dateo of dollvory and tho
                                  prloos are not known but I lakh out of the 2 and l/3rd
                                  lakhs allocatod under P.VY.D. new works and stores aro
                                  intended to cover the payment for tho goods whioh
                                  arrive during tho ourront year.

                                                        I have tho honour to bo,
                                                       Your most obedient sorvunt,

                                                        Advisor to tho Government.
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