Page 236 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 236

224                        Records of Bahrain

                               X believe It will be nocos3ary to appropriate at least
                               £.200,000 from the present state Hosorve for this pur­
                               pose, but I fool that tho yield from this ro-invootmont
                               will silonco tho most pessimistic critic,   v.'hat is more
                               important still is that State funds insteud of being at
                               the disposal of a Corporation or Government for a very
                               inadequate roturn will bo profitably employed for the
                               Improvement of tho living conditions of the people of
                               the Stato.
                                      Air-conditioning is essential in the Persian Gulf
                               and the Bahrain Government 3houlu bo plunning the provi­
                               sion of adequate air-conditioning facilities for thoir
                               own staff and possibly tho installation of large units
                               for the air-conditioning of groups of private residential
                               houses. It would be to tho Bahrain Government’s advantage
                               to get in touch with some reputable firm of manufacturers
                               of air-conditioning units with a view to inviting an
                               expert to visit' tho Islands and advise on a policy for the
                               8.     Bahrain must bo prepared to meet possible competition
                               from neighbouring ports especially the now Jaudi Arabian
                               port of pas Tanura. Che best and only way to do this is
                               for the customs Department to make this port more attractive
                               than othors by providing better and cheaper facilities and a
                               more efficient and less officious administration than possible
                               competitors. I should like to see tho present Customs pior
                               enlarged to noarly twice its size at tho land ond, and
                               oxtended to tho deep wator lying two hundred yards to the
                               north of tho present pier-head. Largo and convenient
                               Customs sheds should bo erected on the west side of tho town
                               ond of the pier and they should be availublo on payment of
                               rent .to merchants for the storage of bonded goods. lien
                               re-export procedure and regulations should be introduced and
                               merchants should be oncouragod to bring their goods to
                               Bahrain by being granted special facilities whereby goods
                               could be kept for any length of time and then re-exported
                               to neighbouring markets without loss to the owner. I should
                               like to see tho present rulo v/hereby tho importer is
                               required to pay full customs duly on goods which ho has
                               declared as "He-export" on import should lie full to re-export
                               them within a period of tv.Tmty days ultered to enable cargo
                               to enter Bahrain to the bonded war©houses free of customs
                               duty the only charges leviuble being the usual porterage
                               and harbour dues plus the cost of the rental of the ware­
                               housing facilities.
                                      Before however any large expenditure is embarked
                               upon it would be advisable to consldor the relative merits
                               of the sltra and Manaraah anchorages and the possibility of
                               tho construction of a wharf at the former alongside which
                               ocean going stoamors could discharge and load.
                               9.     The possibility of constructing a light railway
                               from Manamah to the Bahrain petroleum company's premises
                               at Awali’ and Sitra shall be investigated. Such an innova­
    i                          tion would undoubtedly be to the benefit of the working
                               class population and i see no reason why the Buhrain petroleum
                               Company, who havo been for years and will bo for years to
                               come faced with transport problems, should not eithor under­
                               take tho installation themselves or agree to give the Bahrain
                               GovoiiuiiOiU/ such financial guarantees ns would ensure that
                               there was a reasonable prospect of profitable working.
                                                                          /10. Lastly.........
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