Page 241 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 241
Budgetary affairs 229
PUPPET - 1365
1. Oil Royalty Ra. 30,00,000
2. Cuatome Receipts
a, Customs &. Import Yard 19,47,500
5, Pearling & Craft Foea 2,500
o. Miscellaneous 50,000 20,00,000
3. Interest on Reserve 1,90,000
4, Interest on Advanoea
a. Foodstuffs Account 07.000
b, Eleotrio Aooount 15.000 1,02,000
5, Medloal Reoelpta
a, Bervioe 'Wards 13,000
b. General Fees 4,500 17,500
6. Land Revenue
a. Foes from Sales & Registra
tion 16,000
b. Sales of Government Lands 4,000
c. Rent of Government Lands
and Aerodromes 20,000 40,000
7. Education Reoelpta
a, British Council Grant &.
3ohool Fees 12,000
b. Technical School 3.000
o. Girls Schools 5.000 20,000
8* Vehlole Taxes & Driving Lloennes 25.000
0, Passport Rooeipts 15.000
10, Judhoial Receipts
a. Court Fees 7,500
b. Fines 8,000 15,500
11. Publio Works
Bridge Tolls 70.000
12. Oil Gauging Fees 40.000
13, Miscellaneous 10.000
Eleotrio Supply Department
a, Electrioal Sootlon, sales of
energy, rental of meters eto
b. Wiring Revenue & Miso# Jobs 33.000
o. Telephones, Rental 15.000
d. Interest on Denreoiation
Reserve 9,000 3,50,000
Rs. 58,95,000
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