Page 352 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 352

i                                 340                       Records of Rah rain

                                         subjects, but this is a natural corollary of our
                                         conduct of Bahrain's external relations and of Its
   ii                                     representation by us abroad,   I am afraid therefore
                                          that there can be no other motive for this request
                                         but the ldou of using it In support of the Shaikh's
                                          claims in the Zubarah 'area1.  1 am inclined, there­
                                          fore, to suggest that before we go further with the
                                          "promise to safeguard the rights of his subjects abroad,"
                                          v/e should ask the Shaikh why he requires such o promise.
    !                                     3.     1 see no harm in our obtaining a quid pro quo
                                          In the form of an undertaking to observe ail existing
                                          engagements, but am Inclined to suggest dropping the
    i i
    ; •                                   idea of insisting on the employment of a British
                                          Financial Adviser.   You know the Shaikh's knack of
   i                                      twisting something which wo fondly imagine to be in
                                          our favour to his own advantage and he will certainly

     *                                    use such a condition us an excuse for the retention of
                                          Uelgrave in perpetuity,   1 do not mean that this would
                                          necessarily be wholly unwelcome, but there is no point
    $                                      in tending to make It a certainty,   Whether the con-
                                          dltlon about the Adviser is imposed or not, I certainly
                                           would not have any others.



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