Page 356 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 356

344                       Records of Bahrain

                                        TKU^ "Li"
                                        l-'HOLi K.,0.
                                        TO    IMi. I) AIM (KIN
                                        TEL NO. 256.
                                        MATED 11/6 RECVD.    ia/5/49.
                          Coi .dontialo                                                  r .
                          Your loiter  50/8j/f/49 to Burrows,                ' j MIAVUVJ i ')
                                                                                          • y
                          You may now address  a letter to the Sheikh giving him   an assurance of
                          protection against aggression in terms  proposed in para 6 ol’ your letter
                          with the following changes s
                                                        (a) For the words "to the best of their
                          ability" substitute "in the
                                                      same manner as any other British territory'*.
                                                        (b) for the wotfd "subjects" at the concluslu
                          of the letter substitute "nationals".
                          2. for your background of information
                                                                the substitution at (a) may oieon,
                          as in the case of
                                            any other part of British territory, Buhrein might be x
                          temporarily abandoned without fighting (as
                                                                     in the c£-se of the Channel
                          Islands in the
                                         recent war) but because it is British territory it also
                          follows that in
                                          some way or other 1 IMG must react against any attack upon 1
                          and though it might be temporarily abandoned  it would presumably be rest::
                          as a British territory
                                                 as a result of our military action or at a peace
                          settlement. There is
                                               no need to volunteer this to the Sheikh but you nay i
                          your discretion use it if the
                                                       course of the d_i.scusr.ion calls for this.
                          3. As the
                                    pioposed guarantee involves no new commitment in excess of Ur
                          existing position ond  especially  as the undertakings between JAMS ami olbi
                          British territories
                                              are domestic matters not falling under the U.U. Charttf
                          I am udvlsud that there is
                                                    no need for the letter to be published it vou::
                          be well however for
                                             you to suggest to the Shaikh that lie should not rep.s*
                          not give it publicity.

                          4. With reference to (u) of para 1 above you may add the word "liHiLki-b-ti—
                          before territory if you think it desirable,   If it Is not added British
                          territory is used in the wide
                                                       sense of all territory which is usually
                          coloured red
                                       on mops including protectorates und protected states.
                          in fact from the point of view
                                                        of international law (us opposed to
                          law) lit'tlo if
                                        any dil 1 eroncc between say a British colony and a British
                                      or protected state and no difference in tlm matter of the
                          reaction which’llfcti would
                                                  make if there is any outside aggreasion on it*
                          IN Ok*

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