Page 361 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 361
Bahrain-UK relations 349
The Persian Quit ftoa&dency,
m« Hist Juno, 1049*
The flhalkh of Bahrain he* accepted tho tanas
or the assurance which it la proposed to give him re
garding protection against aggression and the protect
ion of his subject* Interests In foreign countries, and
he Is willing In return to give us an assurance In
writing that he and hie suoceosors urlll observe all
existing engagements, vide Foreign Office telegram
2. In Foreign Office telegram 102 of the 2nd
March I was instructed to try to secure from
the flhalkh a promise always to employ a British
Financial Adviser* I discussed this question with
him myself and he said ho would agree to give an
undertaking always to appoint a Financial Advisor
with the concurrence of file Majesty*a Government.
He went on howovor to Insist that this should be on
tho basis of a separate request from us and then ref
erred to his rights In Zubarah hinting that he wquld
expect some favourable reply regarding these before
giving the undertaking asked Tor. Leon has been heard
lately about tho Persian claims to Bahrain and I do not
think the Shaikh Is quite so annlous to obtain tttfa
the assurunce against aggression as lie wnu. In the
circumstances, I cm not euro it will be possible
to obtain from him an undertaking about a Financial
Adviser as u quid pro quq for thlo assurance. I waa
onl7 instructed to try to obtain such an undertaking
end i presume, therefore, there la no objootlon to my
dropping the proposal If I consider tills doalrablo.
7/oulct you kindly confirm this?
B.AtB* Burrows. Esq.,
The Foreign Office,
Londonn a,^lT