Page 364 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 364
352 Records of Bahrain
hJI *—■** I—yl I j I *>
9th July, 105I.
»try •« J^o _ \ 10 Wjj* 1
I 1-- <i I J* V I | i^ A.v. His Highnoss Shaikh Sly Caiman
* iff — Avi>J I Uoj>- ^ ^ LL.
bln Ilomnd. A1 Khalifoh, K.C.I.E • >
* I I {f^ ’ I
Ruler of Bahrain,
I fi ***a fi*** o* b ‘i*a<
' *. f&rrJfr* d»» • After Complimentsi
ot------- i^j i j i ijLLiV i,.
In referring to correspondence
ending with my lottor of the 26th Juno,
1951, I have the honour to address Your
O ^*4*^ i^—l—J" J Highness as follows on the subject of
* I «np I o' I *j—o L v^U i_f .1 11
the guarantee requested by you of pro
cr ji 5----,1^. tection against external aggression
0\j. 1
j and protection of your subjects'
I-----iJ I
interests in foreign countrios:-
Ji*~ ' O 1 C I havo boon authorised to inform
------- j I
Your Highness that on the basis of the
* »b->"j—J1 c^lj—a L —■1
existing treaties and engagements
1 I t.... >3 j_—^ Lj
Ills Majesty's Government rogard your
p4**. l*->_ ***3 I—iJ I—j L—11 j—«..**■ ~w
Btato aa boing under their protoction
o> j---V L-<y------ Lf J—J lj which moans that they accept responsi
jiLsjUl 5- I 5—A *y—■'—*'31 bility to protect your State against
O'------U; ^ fy 1—*- * IJ—So I \J I J----_c>
any external aggression in tho same
• ; —*; lU^ ru S _J B- S jjjL—SU I
manner as any British Territory, Thoy
—*’—' f OjL^M l—A-i 1 i—*» j also regard your subjects as British
p-i>J l—*** I 4j U->J | Q>c
Protoctod Porson3 and will protect
o-- i; ^>11 I—aJ 1 q I jJ—J1 ^ j
tliolr interests in foreign countries
eUJ,*? US'i
to tho same extent as they do those of
* p—L-Z L-*; uJ I
their own nationals.
b IjZ->- I £}+**■J f Ui l f LsAJ I J
Usual ending.
• c>4—rf"b I
y—-J I • j-—b
H.B.M's Political Resident,