Page 365 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 365
Bahrain-UK relations 353
The Palace,
£jUJI Dated
q... JUJI ^3u> 1—^.VJ 1 Ills Excellency the Political
* Cszj * I ^ I Resident, Torsion Gulf, Bahrain,
* • After Compllmonto:
J fXJ I s\SL(
,1.. mm .. .if I M. 1*1 I ^ I have tho honour to acknowledge
v?—1 j reoolpt of your letter of tho 9th July,
1951. I noto that on the basis of
2 cL«j^ ..5.) V Ij Cl.| JU—A l ..<>.)1 '\ the existing treaties and engagements
1—• I Jt— " ^3 4 . 4.. . r>- ^ l_J iiis Majesty's Government regard my
Btoto as being under their protection,
J—J ^ • |----CL,
I -----—J I OjJ-f-i p—4—i l—t which means that they nccopt responsi
y- * I JL~5aI if I J-—■—i> bility to protect it against any ex
• ^
2. -*J» LJu 4___:t>4 •£—hr ternal aggression in tho same manner
KS 1 \—Sj 1- -O--^ i I, 2---- *J Ik--/f as any British Territory and that they
5—iJlki^Jli—__ *tr also regard my subjects as British
V Oj- Protected Persons and will protect
--------ks oJli__ I—*J I o IJ—I—fj I their interests in foreign countries to
JJI ^---- ^3 ^ ciP—^ 1—*S" J------ *"j J tho sumo extent us they do those of
----I • (—»tUJU—L* their own nationals. I am vory grate
ful for this, and, on my part I take
------*j •
iyiUJ j___Jl^U2. —1 I 4 J. .fa J--I this opportunity of assuring His
jli—L>*j l—^ Majesty's Government that I and my
* * 1 ‘—■1—4 V 1^—M> *\y successors will always faithfully
observe all existing engagements.
Usual ending.
• 4. i^JUJ | jl*>- ^ ^ LL. Sulman bin Hamnd ill Khalifah.